Stanford Report Online

Stanford Report, September 19, 2001
Stanford mourns terrorist attacks
Related updates and resources

Last updated: Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2001 at 2:30 p.m.

On this page:

Office of Religious Life sponsors daily discussions
The Office of Religious Life is sponsoring daily opportunities for open discussion in response to the events of Tuesday, Sept. 11, in the Round Room at the rear of Memorial Church. The discussions take place Sept. 24-28 from 12-1 p.m. (Participants should feel free to bring a bag lunch).

Support available to campus community
Counseling support resources are available on campus to help faculty, staff and students in the wake of Tuesday's tragedies.

On Sept. 12, the Help Center (723-4577) was "staffing up" to prepare for an expected increase in the number of calls, said Help Center Director David Rasch. Faculty from the Department of Psychiatry (723-6643) have extended offers to counsel campus community members if needed, he said.

Rasch said Help Center staff is also available to meet with department groups that would like to come together and discuss the emotional impact of the incidents.

The Rev. William "Scotty" McLennan, dean for religious life (office: 723-1762), and Dr. David Spiegel, a psychiatrist with expertise in trauma (723-6421), also have invited campus community members to contact them directly.

Students in need of support can contact Counseling and Psychological Services at the Cowell Student Health Center (723-3785).

Stanford's Grief Website also may provide solace to members of the university community.

New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation events for incoming freshmen and transfer students will proceed as scheduled. If you are a new frosh or transfer student and must arrive late, please be in touch with us by emailing our orientation office at (or call at 650.725.2487).

Students who will be delayed in their arrival to campus should first check in at their residence hall. An orientation packet and calendar of events will be waiting for you in your dorm room. Upon arrival, your Resident Advisor (RA) and Peer Academic Advisor (PAA) will fill you in on missed activities and information. For more information on Orientation, visit

International graduate student orientation
This orientation program still is scheduled to begin Tuesday, Sept. 18, at 5:15 p.m. Events will be held throughout the week. The Bechtel International Center, however, expects that fewer students than usual will arrive the first few days, and plans to offer make up orientations on Friday, Sept. 28, and Monday, Oct. 1. Both sessions will be scheduled from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Bechtel's community volunteers have been welcoming new students all week at the International Center but numbers are far less than last year at this time. Graduate students who may arrive late and are worried about on campus housing can call the Graduate Welcome Center at (650) 723-5155. That office is maintaining a list of such students and is forwarding details to the relevant housing office. Alternatively, students can contact their residence office directly. More information

International undergraduate student orientation
This orientation program is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, Sept. 19, and will go ahead as planned. The Bechtel International Center, however, is preparing follow-up orientation activities to address specific needs of international undergraduate students that are not covered in Stanford's regular Orientation program. Bechtel, in fact, believes some students may arrive even after the start of classes.

People with questions can contact John Pearson, Bechtel's director, or Rolando Villalobos, an assistant director at Bechtel.

Athletics Department heightens security measures for Stanford Stadium
The Athletics Department announced that in the interest of public safety, and consistent with other major athletic facilities throughout the nation, additional security measures will take place at Stanford Stadium, beginning with Saturday's football game between the Cardinal and Arizona State.
Full story

President Hennessy's statement in response to hateful e-mails
The following statement by President John Hennessy was released in response to hateful e-mails sent to the Islamic Society of Stanford University and the Muslim Student Awareness Network. Full statement

Blood Center requests appointments
The Stanford
Blood Center received 400 units of blood Sept. 11, but donating blood will continue to be important, said Michele Gassaway, Blood Center spokesperson. Potential donors can call 1-888-723-7831 to make an appointment. Full story

School of Medicine website
web page with resources and information regarding yesterday's terrorist attacks has been assembled for the School of Medicine community. On the page are links to news outlets, Stanford-specific information and closures, blood centers and financial institutions accepting donations.

Stanford Alumni Association website
The Alumni Association has prepared
a website with resources, including links to sites for locating family and friends.

Undergraduate Admission program changes
Stanford Undergraduate Admission's regional programs scheduled for this week in the Los Angeles area (Manhattan Beach, downtown Los Angeles, Century City and Sherman Oaks) have been postponed. The Office of Undergraduate Admission hopes to reschedule the programs for later this fall. For more information, please visit the Admission website at

Overseas Studies Program status
The Overseas Studies Program remains open. At this time, Overseas Studies anticipates that all Autumn Quarter programs at Stanford's overseas centers will start as scheduled. If you have questions about Autumn Quarter enrollment or need help in contacting a student already at a center, please call the Overseas Studies office at (650) 723-3558.


