Stanford Report Online

Stanford Report, September 11, 2001

Blood Center receives outpouring of donations

Hundreds of people showed up Tuesday to donate blood at the Stanford Blood Center on Welch Road -- so many, in fact, that some would-be blood donors went to work handling the crowds, said Michele Gassaway, Blood Center spokesperson. Potential donors filled the waiting area and then filled the courtyard. "We had to turn people away," she said.

Blood center staff drew 400 units of blood yesterday and shipped it to the Sacramento Medical Foundation Blood Center, to replace 500 units of blood sent by fire truck to New York City Tuesday.

Appointments to donate blood are at the Blood Center are fully booked through this week and are filling up fast for the next, Gassaway said. Volunteers yesterday took down names and phone numbers of everyone who wasn't able to give blood and the center has received hundreds of telephone messages, she said.

It's a good idea for potential donors to call blood centers in advance and set up an appointment, Gassaway said

Donations of blood will be just as important in the days and weeks ahead as it is now, she said. "I know after the earthquake [in Turkey], people were desperate for blood a month later.

"I want to stress how much we really appreciate the community's turnout," Gassaway said.

Potential donors can call 1-888-723-7831 to make an appointment.