News articles classified as Q&A

California contemplates expansion of offshore oil drilling

If federal plans move forward, most U.S. coastal waters would be open to offshore oil drilling. Stanford Professors Deborah Sivas and Alexandria Boehm look at related legal and marine issues from the perspective of the California coastline, which has been protected from new drilling since 1969.

Stanford scholar assesses Catalonia referendum

Francois Diaz-Maurin, a visiting scholar at the Center for International Security and Cooperation, analyzes Catalonia’s referendum attempt, the Spanish government’s response and the impact these events could have across Europe.

Private equity firms show resilience in a downturn

Stanford scholar Shai Bernstein explored the impact of private equity firms during the financial crisis of 2008 and found that they appeared to be helpful rather than harmful amid the economic turmoil.

Iranian Studies program’s first decade

Students explore the history of Islam and other religions in Iran, dissect modern politics,  learn Persian and discover the country’s contemporary cultural movements and film scene.

Q&A: Laura Wilson and Keith Perry talk about active shooter situations

In the aftermath of a shooting and lockdown at the UCLA campus on Wednesday, Stanford Police Chief Laura Wilson and Stanford Emergency Planner Keith Perry spoke to Stanford Report about precautions the campus community can take in such an emergency and preventive efforts on campus.