In the final senate meeting of the fall quarter, faculty members heard presentations on a variety of dimensions of free speech before adjourning to an executive session.
At the Faculty Senate meeting Thursday, university leaders discussed Stanford’s international efforts, while ASSU leaders outlined current priorities for student government.
At Thursday’s meeting, the senate heard reports from leaders of ResX, the initiative focused on improving Stanford’s residential education program, and from the chair of the Advisory Committee on Renaming Junipero Serra Features.
At Thursday’s meeting the Faculty Senate heard a report on initiatives aimed at increasing faculty diversity and a presentation of the annual report on faculty gains, losses and composition.
The senate adopted three academic policy changes at its Thursday meeting and heard an update from Patti Gumport, vice provost for graduate education, on issues related to graduate students and graduate education overall.
Elizabeth Hadly, professor of biology and faculty director of Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, chairs the Faculty Senate, which is celebrating its 50th year at Stanford as it tackles such issues as student well-being, diversity, sustainability, free speech and long-range planning.
At the Faculty Senate meeting Thursday, President Marc Tessier-Lavigne looked back on his first year and ahead to Stanford’s coming years, while ASSU leaders Justice Tention-Palmer and Vicki Niu presented a report on academics and diversity.
At its final meeting of the academic year, the Faculty Senate discussed issues including faculty diversity, the Ways of Thinking/Ways of Doing requirement and the Emeriti Council.
Speakers at the May 25 meeting included special guest Jonathan R. Cole, a professor at Columbia University; Harry J. Elam, Jr., vice president for the arts; Alexander Nemerov, chair of art and art history; and Stephen Sano, professor (teaching) of music.
In his first address to the annual meeting of the Academic Council, President Marc Tessier-Lavigne reported on the university’s long-range planning process and shared the stage with four of the faculty members heading the effort.
Speakers at the April 27 meeting included Harry J. Elam, Jr., vice provost for undergraduate education; Patricia J. Gumport, vice provost for graduate education; Corrie Potter, director of Institutional Research & Decision Support; President Marc Tessier-Lavigne; and Provost Persis Drell.
The speakers at the April 13 meeting included President Marc Tessier-Lavigne; Provost Persis Drell; and Farouk Dey, dean of career education and associate vice provost for student affairs.
Speakers at the meeting included Professor Russell Berman, chair of the Planning and Policy Board and director of Thinking Matters and Introductory Seminars, and Professor Sarah Church, senior associate vice provost for undergraduate education and member of the Coordinated First Year Review Committee.
The speakers at the Feb. 23 meeting included President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Pamela Matson, dean of the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences. At the meeting the senate passed a resolution to establish a Residential Programs Faculty Board, and Hans Weiler, academic secretary, encouraged faculty to vote in the election for the 2017-18 senate, which ends at midnight.
At the Feb. 23 Faculty Senate meeting, Catherine Glaze, Title IX coordinator, and Pamela Karlan, chair of the Advisory Committee on Sexual Assault Policies and Practices, presented reports on Stanford’s Pilot Student Title IX Process.
Speakers at Thursday’s meeting included President Marc Tessier-Lavigne; Provost Persis Drell; M. Elizabeth Magill, dean of Stanford Law School; Elizabeth Bernhardt, professor of German studies; Mehran Sahami, professor (teaching) of computer science; and Christine Alfano, associate director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric.
It’s time for members of the Academic Council to vote for next year’s Faculty Senate and to nominate full professors to fill vacancies on the Advisory Board.