An enterprising team of Stanford students has designed a low-cost, solar-powered home that could lead the home-building industry to a more sustainable future and guide homeowners toward greener behavior.
Stanford's Chris Field has spent five years leading a team of international scientists as they prepared a major United Nations report on the world's climate. The hours were long, the company was good and the science is crucial.
The African clawed frog, which were brought to the U.S. a century ago, harbor a fungal infection that is decimating amphibian populations worldwide, according to a School of Medicine study of these frogs in California.
The Knight Management Center at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, an eight-building complex that opened in April 2011, has achieved the LEED Platinum rating for environmental sustainability from the U.S. Green Building Council.
Most homes in sub-Saharan Africa lack running water. A new study by Stanford researchers shows that reducing the amount of time spent fetching water can improve the health of young children in this region.
Twelve sophomores spent two weeks rafting through the Grand Canyon, immersed in the issue that will determine the future of the West: Is there enough water to go around?
Two huge expanses of the North Pacific Ocean are major corridors of life, attracting an array of marine predators in predictable seasonal patterns, according to final results from the Census of Marine Life Tagging of Pacific Predators project published in the June 23 edition of the journal Nature.
The rapid decline of salmon and the steady increase in the number of endangered fish species show that a new approach is needed to manage California's aquatic ecosystems, according to a new book co-authored by the co-director of the Woods Institute for the Environment.
The complex issues surrounding global climate change and vastly unequal living standards in Western and developing nations are best understood using a multidisciplinary approach that includes history, philosophy and literary scholarship, Stanford researchers say.
Stanford researcher Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert has teamed up with colleagues from across campus and worldwide to better understand India's dual health burden of undernutrition and obesity.
Large majorities of the residents of Florida, Maine and Massachusetts believe the Earth has been getting warmer gradually over the last 100 years, and large majorities favor government action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to new public opinion research by Professor Jon Krosnick, a senior fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University.
Few of us have anything good to say about wastewater. Once we've flushed the toilet or rinsed our hair, the used water simply disappears. But Craig Criddle, senior fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment, says we should think about what resources are in it that might be useful.