Stephen Chen is Title IX coordinator and director of the SHARE Office; Christina Franzino joins the university in a new position as director of client services.
Tiffany Steinwert, dean for religious and spiritual life, addresses the campus community about the importance of supporting the diverse faith traditions at Stanford and offers tools to help identify when academic and work calendars coincide with religious holy days.
This November, Stanford will recognize Native American Heritage Month in honor of more than 450 Indigenous and Native-identifying students, staff and faculty as well as the university’s storied history and connection with the land upon which it sits.
Stanford University today announced a 40.1 percent investment return in its Merged Pool, net of all external and internal costs and fees, for the year ending June 30, 2021.
Matthew Rascoff, vice provost for digital education, talks about the newly created office that will marshal Stanford’s teaching and learning expertise and technological capabilities to reach students who have been historically underserved by higher education.
Provost Persis Drell told the Faculty Senate Thursday that a committee has been charged with developing recommendations for a process to create a new institute on the study of race, ethnicity and society. The Faculty Senate also heard updates on the university’s response to COVID-19 and the state of graduate education and postdoctoral affairs, among other topics.
Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Provost Persis Drell shared highlights of the plans for the new academic year, including activities to rebuild the community and updates on major campus initiatives, during a Campus Conversation on Oct. 13.
A new website with the university’s official land acknowledgment encourages its use at events and celebrates ties to the Muwekma Ohlone and other Native communities.
Academic Council Professoriate appointments, promotions and reappointments were reviewed by the Advisory Board of the Academic Council and approved by the president.
At its first meeting of the 2021-2022 academic year, Stanford’s Board of Trustees moved forward several building projects and received updates on how the university is raising its sights after the challenging beginning of the pandemic.
The Stanford Department of Public Safety has published campus crime statistics for 2020 on its website as a part of the annual Safety, Security and Fire Report.
The potential transaction supports NDNU’s ongoing transition to a primarily graduate university while providing Stanford with additional space to support its people and programs and deepen its commitment to the region.
Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne welcomes the campus community to fall quarter and reviews the safety measures the university is taking to ensure a safe return.
In a message to the Stanford community, President Marc Tessier-Lavigne discusses the 20 years since Sept. 11 and highlights that Friday has been designated a National Day of Service and Remembrance in honor of those lost.
Lloyd Minor, dean of the School of Medicine, said getting vaccinated is the number one safety measure people can take against the highly transmissible delta variant.
Achieving Stanford’s goal of reaching at least net-zero emissions from its operations will require developing new tools and strategies, which could also help businesses and governments reach their own emissions goals.
The new school will include transitional academic divisions, university-wide cross-cutting themes organized into institutes and an accelerator focused on solutions. Stanford is now launching the search for a dean to lead the new school.
A message to the Stanford community updates requirements for weekly testing for unvaccinated faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars and addresses recommendations and policies related to wearing face coverings on campus.
Philanthropic support from Tonia, ’92, and Adam Karr will support research on race and education and endow the directorship of the Black Community Services Center.
Report contains a set of recommendations and three years of preliminary data on the Stanford Department of Public Safety’s interactions with the public.
A scientific research and technology partnership, led by Stanford and engaging five other public and private universities and institutes, will explore peak human performance with the goal of transforming human health on a global scale. The Alliance will be directed by Stanford bioengineer Scott Delp.
A federal judge in Texas on Friday, July 16, issued a ruling that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is unlawful. The decision is likely to be appealed to higher courts, and it does not immediately affect individuals who currently have DACA status.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has withdrawn a proposal by the previous administration that would have limited the duration of F and J visas for international students and scholars in the United States.
The Faculty Senate heard a report from an ad hoc committee that has been examining the university’s policies for providing faculty and staff with legal representation or indemnifying them for the cost of representation.
A U.S. District Court judge vacated a Department of Labor rule that sought to restrict the H-1B visa program. Stanford continues to advocate for immigration policies that support our international students and scholars.
Academic Council Professoriate appointments, promotions and reappointments were reviewed by the Advisory Board of the Academic Council and approved by the president.