
News articles classified as Obituaries

Stanford Medicine —

William Dement, giant in sleep medicine, dies at 91

A founder of the field of sleep medicine, ardent campaigner against the dangers of drowsiness and teacher of Stanford’s hugely popular Sleep and Dreams course, William Dement has died.

Stuart Macmillan, long-time Stanford teacher, dies at 68

Stuart Macmillan contributed to technologies at Sun Microsystems and was a chief scientist at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. At Stanford, he co-taught a year-round course on clean energy entrepreneurship.

Musicologist Albert Cohen has died

An internationally distinguished musicologist, Cohen was also known on campus for his decades of service to the Department of Music.

Marilyn Yalom, groundbreaking gender studies scholar, dies at 87

Marilyn Yalom, a world-renowned scholar in gender studies, died Nov. 20 at the age of 87. An inspiring female intellectual, Yalom left an indelible mark on her field as she explored thought-provoking subjects that once went unexamined.

Walter Vincenti, interdisciplinary engineer, dead at 102

Vincenti’s research laid the foundation for many advances in aeronautics, including supersonic flight and spacecraft reentry. He also co-founded the interdisciplinary Stanford Program in Science, Technology and Society.

Stanford Medicine —

Stanford hematologist Stanley Schrier dies at 90

A founding member of the Division of Hematology at Stanford, Schrier was an educator, mentor and investigator who trained generations of physicians and scientists.

Geomathematician John W. Harbaugh dies at 92

Harbaugh, former chair of the Department of Geology, was a foundational figure in mathematical geology and active in campus leadership. He died July 28 at age 92.