Paul Auerbach, a professor emeritus of emergency medicine at Stanford, led a life of inspiration, adventure and compassion, according to his colleagues.
Kevin Manalili, director of facilities planning and management for the School of Engineering, and Richard Tiberio, senior research scientist at Stanford Nano Shared Facilities, have each won a 2020 Marsh O’Neill Award for Exceptional and Enduring Support of Stanford University’s Research Enterprise.
Academic Council Professoriate appointments, promotions and reappointments were reviewed by the Advisory Board of the Academic Council and approved by the president.
A more flexible enrollment process approved on a pilot basis by the Faculty Senate means that admission of potential athletes will be more in line with institutions with which Stanford competes for recruits.
The awards honor the life and work of the late Amy J. Blue, an associate vice president for administrative services and facilities, who was known as a woman of incisive intelligence, abundant energy and unrelenting honesty.
In her annual budget presentation to the Faculty Senate, Provost Persis Drell reported that unexpected market returns and strong university reserves mean Stanford can cover pandemic expenses and shortfalls without further program cuts.
During the pandemic, the Faculty Women’s Forum has continued to provide opportunities for faculty members – regardless of gender – to discuss shared interests, concerns and ideas, and to engage in action promoting greater faculty equity, inclusion and success.
The Stanford physician devised a test that saved babies’ lives by showing whether they needed immediate treatment for a parasitic disease called toxoplasmosis.
Stanford Professor David Cohen, who directs the Stanford Center for Human Rights and International Justice, has been awarded the 2021 Miriam Aaron Roland Volunteer Service Prize for involving students in integrating academic scholarship with service to society.
In a presentation to the Stanford Faculty Senate on Thursday, the Committee of 10, charged with reviewing the Student Judicial Charter, recommended how the process might be refocused on education and made more efficient.
Ten Stanford faculty, scholars in the fields of education, performing arts, economics, law and mathematics, have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the country’s oldest and most prestigious honorary learned societies.
The following Academic Council Professoriate appointments, promotions and reappointments for the periods indicated were reviewed by the Advisory Board of the Academic Council and approved by the president.
The work of the committee is focused on five areas: diversity and leadership, HR policies and procedures, engagement and culture, learning and development and community engagement.
Molly Match, a children’s book featuring a little Black girl that was illustrated by a Stanford staffer, has sparked meaningful discussions about inclusion, diversity and equity on campus.
The Planning and Policy Board Subcommittee on Campus Climate presented an interim report to the Faculty Senate on Thursday that highlighted students’ concerns about free speech and general campus climate.
In a message to the campus community, Provost Persis Drell and Elizabeth Zacharias, vice president for human resources, address plans for returning to on-site work this spring and for developing more flexible work arrangements for staff as the university moves toward a new way of working at Stanford.
Stanford has announced the winners of the 2020 Cuthbertson, Dinkelspiel and Gores awards honoring faculty, students and staff. Sue Crutcher and William S. Talbot are the Cuthbertson honorees.
After a year working from home, Stanford staff have become accustomed to new ways of working, but they look forward to the day when everyone can return safely to campus.
As part of an effort to celebrate and discuss identity, six Stanford Earth community members talk about how their identities as women have informed and impacted their careers.
The Faculty Senate heard an update on the structure of the new school for climate and sustainability and learned that it will include a Sustainability Accelerator that will translate policy and technology solutions.
A new three-quarter sequence of courses provides insights from scholars around the nation on research related to race in the fields of science, technology and medicine, as well as their own lived experiences.
As part of the Meet Our Faculty series, Hakeem Jefferson, assistant professor of political science, shares his life experiences and interests that fuel his research.
A keen interest in the possibility of alien life ultimately led geomicrobiologist Anne Dekas to study some of the least-examined microbes on Earth – those dwelling in the deep sea.
Anne Joseph O’Connell, law, and Sara Singer, medicine, members of the Faculty Women’s Forum, presented to the Faculty Senate results of a survey that reflect the stress caused by COVID-19, particularly among women faculty, as well as those who are pre-tenure, at the lowest salary levels and with family obligations.