Community Board report identifies steps for reimagining campus safety
The second progress report from Stanford’s Community Board on Public Safety provides an update on efforts to reimagine and strengthen public safety operations on campus. The panel is highlighting steps that can be implemented in the coming academic year as well as longer-term initiatives.
What to know about emergency preparedness at Stanford
During an emergency, staying informed and knowing how to respond are key to keeping yourself safe. Here is a quick look at what you need to know about emergency preparedness at Stanford.
Burnt plastic prompts hazmat response at Stanford ChEM-H building, no injuries reported
No one was injured after burnt plastic triggered hazardous chemical and smoke alarms at Stanford’s ChEM-H building on Wednesday, temporarily restricting area traffic as a hazmat team responded to the scene.
Exploring Campus Public Safety course set for winter quarter
Exploring Campus Public Safety offers 1 unit of credit to students and is open to the entire Stanford community. The application deadline is Dec. 15 for the course, which includes lectures, discussions and hands-on activities across a wide range of public safety topics.
Community Board on Public Safety issues first annual progress report
Report contains a set of recommendations and three years of preliminary data on the Stanford Department of Public Safety’s interactions with the public.