The Living Laboratory Partnership Summit convened students, faculty, and staff Tuesday to celebrate the great work and collaborations making Stanford more sustainable.
Can a decarbonized grid be everything we need it to be?
A Stanford-led consortium funded by the Department of Energy seeks to balance multiple and sometimes competing goals for the electric grid of the future.
Simple dietary swaps could reduce the nation’s carbon footprint
Simple dietary changes like replacing beef with chicken in a burrito or choosing plant-based milk over dairy could reduce the nation’s food-related carbon footprint by more than a third if universally adopted.
California’s new law requiring large corporations to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions has refocused attention on the role of business in combating climate change.
The future of phytoplankton at the top of the world
Since late June, the research vessel Sikuliaq has been churning through ice in the Chukchi Sea, carrying 20 scientists and students on a mission to understand how a warming Arctic will transform the ocean’s ability to sequester carbon.
A report from Stanford Law School Policy Lab and Bezos Earth Fund recommends climate-smart forestry practices as well as better data collection to quantify and incentivize forest carbon removals.
With science fiction as inspiration, faculty encouraged students in the course "Imagining Adaptive Societies" to imagine a future where people thrive in a sustainable and equitable world.
The Natural Capital Project is working with development banks and 10 pilot countries to put the environment at the forefront of policy and investment decisions.
Stanford Dining addresses climate change one bite at a time
Residential & Dining Enterprise’s (R&DE) Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries is a leader in piloting indirect emissions reductions in partnership with the university’s Scope 3 Emissions Program.
The health care sector accounts for almost 10% of U.S. emissions and is one of the country’s largest producers of waste. What can be done to make it more sustainable, while maintaining safety?
Investigating the connection between places and people
Associate Professor Nicole Ardoin and her team work to understand how people feel about the world around them – and what they’re able and willing to do to protect it.
Hard-to-quantify emissions are the next frontier for Stanford sustainability goals
Stanford is celebrating Earth Day with a week of virtual events and is looking ahead to additional ways the campus can reach ambitious net-zero emissions goals, including tackling emissions from campus food, goods, travel and investments.
Faculty input sought for new climate and sustainability school
Following deliberations by a Blueprint Advisory Committee in the fall, leaders are seeking faculty input on proposals for the new school’s structure, composition and areas of focus.
Faculty Senate urges acceleration of Stanford sustainability goals
Members of the Faculty Senate on Thursday encouraged the university to accelerate its target dates for completing its transition to at least net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in its operations and endowment.