The Special Committee of the Board of Trustees provides an update on progress and timing regarding its review of issues related to academic articles in which Stanford’s president is a listed author.
Trustees heard a report on accreditation, received a campus update from leadership, advanced building projects, and set tuition for the 2023-24 academic year during their on-campus meeting Feb. 6 and 7.
Stanford’s Board of Trustees received the university’s annual financial report, advanced building projects, and heard updates on issues such as student mental health and well-being, among other matters of business, during its final meeting of 2022.
Board of Trustees learns how SLAC can change the future
The Stanford Board of Trustees held its first meeting of the 2022-23 academic year Oct. 17-18. Trustees toured the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and met the new dean of the Doerr School of Sustainability, among other matters.
Stanford’s Board of Trustees holds final meeting of the 2021-22 academic year
Trustees approved the 2022-23 budget, heard reports on Stanford Medicine and ResX, granted approval for construction on building projects, and took action on other items.
Stanford Board of Trustees hears panels on civil discourse, deliberative democracy and more
The Stanford Board of Trustees received updates on civil discourse, deliberative democracy, the Hoover Institution and academic freedom, among other items, during its final meeting of 2021.
Stanford’s Board of Trustees holds first meeting of the 2021-22 academic year
At its first meeting of the 2021-2022 academic year, Stanford’s Board of Trustees moved forward several building projects and received updates on how the university is raising its sights after the challenging beginning of the pandemic.
Stanford’s Board of Trustees holds final meetings of the 2020-21 academic year
Trustees approve 2021-22 budget, discuss the university’s racial justice initiatives, hear a report on graduate and postdoctoral education and take action on other items.
Stanford trustees received briefings on such university initiatives as the new school for climate and sustainability and undergraduate education enhancements, as well as pandemic progress and campus activities.
Stanford trustees express gratitude for campus pandemic response
In a series of remote meetings this week, the Stanford Board of Trustees, chaired by Jeff Raikes, discussed the ongoing pandemic, new construction, the university’s engagement with the external world and Long-Range Vision progress.