The fires are different this year – bigger and faster. What’s fueling the change?
Quotes Michael Wara, director of the Climate and Energy Policy Program and a senior research scholar at the Woods Institute for the Environment, explaining that drier atmosphere will draw more moisture from trees and other vegetation, giving embers a drier place to burn.
Pandemic’s youth mental-health crisis swamps schools, community programs
Reports that Stanford’s Early Life Stress and Resilience Program is conducting workshops for school employees on altering problematic thinking that fuels anxiety.
Quotes David Relman, professor of microbiology and immunology, arguing federal policy governing sensitive viral research is opaque and needs strengthening.
Quotes Neil Malhotra, professor of business and of political science, on how wealthy entrepreneurs tend to be progressive and cosmopolitan, advancing issues like gay marriage, gun control, and free trade.
AI can write in English. Now it’s learning other languages
Quotes Christopher Manning, professor of linguistics and of computer science, commenting on how much AI language programs know about how the world works.
Quotes Scott Hubbard, adjunct professor of aeronautics and astronautics, predicting an increase in the number of communities contemplating hosting spaceports.
Constant craving: how digital media turned us all into dopamine addicts
Quotes Anna Lembke, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, arguing rising rates of depression and anxiety in wealthy countries may be a result of our brains getting hooked on the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure.
One-third of American families couldn’t cover a $2,000 emergency before the pandemic
Cites a study from the Stanford Center on Longevity that found one in three American families couldn't handle a mid-sized financial emergency before the pandemic.
Britain launches plan to ramp up ‘low carbon’ hydrogen capacity
Cites a recent Stanford study that found blue hydrogen could be up to 20% worse for the climate than fossil gas owing to the emissions that escape during its production.
How employee benefits may change in a hybrid workplace
Quotes Nicholas Bloom, professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR, explaining "home leave," where an employee is slightly ill but can still contribute a portion of their workload.
U.S. Muslims are 2 times more likely to have attempted suicide than other groups
Quotes Rania Awaad, clinical associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, on the challenges of discussing mental illness in the Muslim community.
As wells run dry, a tourist town fights for survival
Quotes Newsha Ajami, director of urban water policy at the Woods Institute for the Environment, on how California's water situation is an "opportunity to rethink how to use water more efficiently while conserving our cultures and industries.”