Students will decide whether they wish to be represented by the Stanford Graduate Workers Union for purposes of collective bargaining. Eligible graduate students in the local area will vote May 31-June 1 in person; eligible graduate students currently living away from the local area will be able to vote by mail.
Provost presents 2023-24 budget plan to Faculty Senate
Provost Persis Drell presented the annual report on the budget to the Faculty Senate on Thursday. Senators also voted to create a standing committee to support the Stanford University Press.
Faculty Senate approves changes to Honor Code, Judicial Charter
Following lengthy debate, the Faculty Senate approved changes to the Honor Code and Judicial Charter on Thursday. The changes to the Honor Code will allow for proctoring in the fall barring further action by the Undergraduate Senate.
Rabbi Angela Buchdahl is the 2023 Baccalaureate speaker
Rabbi Angela Warnick Buchdahl, an Asian American committed to diversity and innovation in Jewish life, will address Stanford graduates at the university’s Baccalaureate celebration during the 2023 Commencement Weekend.
Faculty Senate hears proposed changes to Honor Code, Judicial Charter
The Faculty Senate heard a presentation from the Committee of 12 on proposed changes to the two university policies during its Thursday meeting, as well as a dean’s report from the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability.
Law school dean discusses recent protest, outlines next steps
In a message to the law school, Dean Jenny Martinez answers questions on why the disruption of a recent talk violated university policy and outlines next steps resulting from the incident.
Leadership discusses bias reporting, litigation, more at Faculty Senate
University leadership discussed the Protected Identity Harm Reporting process, IDEAL progress, recent legal proceedings related to campus faculty home property taxes, and other issues during the Thursday meeting, most of which was held in executive session.
Members named to committee reviewing fossil fuel funding of research
Members from diverse academic backgrounds have been named to a committee charged with assessing Stanford’s approach to supporting research through funds from fossil fuel companies.
The Faculty Senate discussed the pressing issue of graduate student affordability following presentations from the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and the Graduate Student Council on Thursday.
Faculty Senate creates university speech committee
The Faculty Senate voted to create an ad hoc committee on university speech and heard a presentation on the COLLEGE undergraduate requirement program in Thursday’s meeting.
Trustees heard a report on accreditation, received a campus update from leadership, advanced building projects, and set tuition for the 2023-24 academic year during their on-campus meeting Feb. 6 and 7.
Undergraduate families with incomes below $100,000 will not have to pay tuition, room, or board, trustees announced as they set tuition for the coming year.
Chi-Chang Kao’s last day serving as SLAC lab director will be Feb. 3
Chi-Chang Kao, who last October shared plans tostep down as directorof SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, announcedyesterdaythat he will be stepping down sooner than anticipated due to personal reasons. His last day serving as lab director will be Feb. 3.
The Faculty Senate postponed a motion to establish an ad hoc Committee on University Speech Initiatives after hearing a presentation on the Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative on Thursday. Senators also heard a brief update on winter quarter course registration.
Generous gifts from Stanford supporters will enable the creation of a unified Graduate School of Education, which will become home to the Stanford Accelerator for Learning and provide contemporary spaces to support research, teaching, and convening.