The universe doesn't care about you, but that's okay. In 'Mind Magic,' James Doty explains how your attention can be redirected in a way that can change your brain and help you realize your goals.
How Karl Deisseroth’s lunches for a group of scientists, physicians, engineers, and students produced a silo-busting program to probe neuropsychiatric disease.
When the brain has trouble filtering incoming information and predicting what’s likely to happen, psychosis can result, Stanford Medicine-led research shows.
New findings about how insulating sheaths form around nerve fibers in the developing brain could inform treatments for multiple sclerosis and related disorders.
Brain stimulation makes patients more hypnotizable
Researchers used transcranial magnetic stimulation to temporarily enhance hypnotizability in people with chronic pain, making them better candidates for hypnotherapy.
It’s not always rational, but we tend to value something more when we’ve put a lot of time, money, or labor into it. Neuroscientists may have figured out why.
The link between sleep biology and cognitive decline
Researchers discovered a surprising connection between brain cells that produce insulation around nerve fibers, sleep patterns, and neurodegenerative disease.
Age-related mutations in blood cells may protect against Alzheimer’s
Age-related mutations in blood cells are known to increase the risk of cancer, heart attack, and stroke. In a strange twist, researchers have found the same changes might offer protection against Alzheimer’s disease.