Expanded workshop, student group, and drop-in offerings
Meet with Learning Specialists 1:1 or in group contexts to reflect on your academic practices and use research-based strategies to reinforce and implement positive habit formation in 2023.
All undergrads, grads, and doctoral students can participate, free of charge, in a variety of group and 1:1 programs offered by Stanford Learning Lab during winter quarter.
Jumpstart your productivity with affinity-centered study groups
The Stanford Learning Lab's student groups are in full swing this quarter, including ADHD Connections, Fail Better, Focus Fridays, Gently Up The Stream (GUTS), Peer Engagement Network (PEN), Power Hour, and Revise & Resubmit (R&R).
Stanford Learning Lab director Kathryn Payne-Gray invites students to meet with a Learning Specialist to create an individualized time management system this fall.
The Learning Lab is holding a 4-part cognitive workshop series open to all Stanford students. Learn the science and participate in guided practices in several essential areas for academic success and well-being.
Metacognitive awareness: your most important study skill
Stanford Learning Lab director Kathryn Payne-Gray welcomes students to fall quarter with a variety of supportive groups and opportunities to better understand your unique learning profile.
New podcast, productivity resources to support your studies
What's new at the Stanford Learning Lab this month? A place for students to tell their stories, summer plans for student self-inventories and Universal Design collaboration
What's new at the Stanford Learning Lab this month? A cool study tool, new student groups and study sessions, help revising your academic writing, and more.
The Stanford Learning Lab team continues to offer innovative programming to help students manage their time, productivity, and self-awareness around their unique learning needs.
Learning Lab director Kathryn Payne-Gray shares groups and programs designed to help you connect with other graduate and undergraduate students, develop learning strategies and understand your unique learning profile.
Kathryn Payne-Gray, director of the Stanford Learning Lab, welcomes graduate and undergraduate students to the fall semester and shares resources, tips and student group opportunities to help you get the most out of your learning experience at Stanford.