“The worry isn’t just that we as artists would be replaced by generative AI,” says Ge Wang. “It’s that we might be replaced by something far more generic and far less interesting.”
The science of how children learn language and use it to understand the world could help large language models do a better job of interpreting the intentions behind words.
An expert in the global cycles of carbon and water explains how they are inextricably bound to one another and fundamental to the future of life on planet Earth.
The bioengineer and psychiatrist discusses the transformational research techniques that shape our understanding of the brain on this episode of The Future of Everything.
Microbiologist KC Huang on our relationship with the trillions of bacteria inhabiting our gut. “We’re kind of both cautiously engaging with them as allies, but also realizing that we could be at war at any point.”
By studying the chemical secrets locked in coastal rocks, geoscientist Jane Willenbring says, we can tell what coastlines looked like a thousand years ago and predict how far they’ll retreat in the future.
Rania Awaad, who studies mental health in U.S. Muslim communities, says Islamic approaches offer lessons that can be applied in other religious and spiritual communities.
Jonathan Osborne says the goal of science education isn’t to give kids enough knowledge to evaluate the facts for themselves; it’s to teach them how to interact with expertise.
On The Future of Everything, David Rehkopf explains the science of longevity – and why people born in certain regions are more likely to make it to 90 or beyond.
Neuroscientist Kalanit Grill-Spector explains how advances in brain imaging and computing are unlocking the secrets of human vision in this episode of The Future of Everything.
Promising new cognitive and behavioral therapies are helping patients manage and even cure PTSD without drugs, Debra Kaysen explains on this episode of The Future of Everything.
In this episode of The Future of Everything, aeronautics expert Ilan Kroo discusses the fuels, materials, and technology that will enable a new generation of flying vehicles and transform the way we think of transportation.