In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Stanford GSB’s Michele Gelfand talks about finding the balance between competition and cooperation, and why metaphors are key.
Why some big corporations must split up to survive
For large corporations, the decision to split often reflects a process similar to biological adaptation and the evolution of new species, argues GSB Professor Robert Burgelman.
On this episode of the podcast Think Fast Talk Smart, the’s Jeremy Utley talks about what keeps us from breakthroughs and why you should write down bad ideas.
A virtual program that focused on interpersonal skills such as negotiation, influencing coworkers, and networking boosted job satisfaction for women starting off in science and technology jobs.
Political economy Professor Andrew B. Hall’s research explores whether the link between owning a home and voting is one of causation or correlation – and what that matters if we want an engaged electorate.
We don’t like domineering bosses. So why do we put up with them?
Organizational behavior Professor Deborah Gruenfeld found that group dynamics are an important factor in why people defer to aggressive, controlling leaders.