Report on the Stanford University Press
Dear Faculty Colleagues,
As you know, two faculty committees have been working to make recommendations to support a strong future for the Stanford University Press.
I am writing to let you know that the first committee, which I convened in the spring, has completed its recommendations. I recently was able to meet with the committee to hear a discussion of its findings. The committee’s report has now been posted on the Office of the Provost website, and I invite you to read it there.
The second committee received its charge from the Faculty Senate earlier this month and is currently at work. This committee has received a copy of the provostial committee’s report. The Press will be discussed further at the Faculty Senate meeting on November 21, and we expect the Senate’s committee on the Press to make its report at that time.
I will make no decisions on the Press until after I have read the reports from both committees and listened to the discussion in the Faculty Senate.
I want to express my appreciation to the members of the provostial committee on the Press for their thoughtful and extensive deliberations, informed by external input, that resulted in what I believe is a very useful document for the university’s consideration. My thanks go to the chair of the committee, Judy Goldstein, and to its members: Ron Egan, Roland Greene, Jay Hamilton, Paul Harrison, Bernie Meyler, Aron Rodrigue and Dana Shelley.
This email was sent to Stanford faculty.