Passover observances on campus
Later this month, Jewish students, staff, and faculty will observe Passover, a holiday observed worldwide, beginning at sunset on April 22 and continuing through nightfall on April 30. Information on Passover 2024 observances for the campus community is available on the Stanford Office for Religious & Spiritual Life website.
Many Jews hold a Seder, which is a special meal with symbolic foods, the first two evenings of Passover. The first two and last two days of Passover are considered holy days, with observances similar to weekly sabbath observances. Many Jews avoid eating leavened foods, such as bread and pasta, and instead eat matzah during Passover.
In recognition of the diverse faith and spiritual traditions found at Stanford, ORSL publishes this calendar of religious observances to help campus community members observe holy days that are meaningful to them. The calendar includes guidance for community members seeking accommodations for observances and for instructors, managers, and other colleagues planning classroom and work schedules.
Office for Religious & Spiritual Life staff are available to provide additional information about observances and the best ways to support others.