Bolster your financial knowledge for free
At Stanford, students have free resources to make smart decisions in regard to spending and saving, investing, paycheck and compensation, paying for school and more through the Mind Over Money program.
Financial wellness is not only essential to your academic journey, but after graduation as well. Did you know here at Stanford you have free resources you need to make smart decisions in regard to spending and saving, investing, paycheck and compensation, paying for school and more?
Stanford’s Mind Over Money financial education program provides free and self-paced online learning modules that target your financial wellness needs and questions.
Available from the Student Services website, these modules can be taken at your own pace, in any order, and all free of charge.
Spending and saving
In this module you can dive deeper to understand saving basics, like insurance, credit card management, budgeting, banking options, and housing options.
This module is designed for you to have an easy guide to the basics of investing and the different types of investments, along with an introduction to retirement planning.
Pay check and compensation
This module introduces you to proper money management skills and how-to guides on job search, benefits, stock options, and the basics of taxes.
Paying for school
This module reviews funding options and navigates you through common financial questions, when it comes to paying for school.

Access the learning modules
Get started with these free modules today.
Navigate to the Student Services website, under the “My Finances” menu, and find the online learning modules under the Financial Wellness section.
Or simply go to
Are you inspired to learn more about financial wellness? Along with these modules, any student, graduate or postdoc can seek financial coaching with our large selection of trusted financial wellness coaches!

For more information, visit