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COVID-19 and packing your belongings

Students with Stanford housing contracts ending in mid-June are advised to begin packing now or to make arrangements for others to help given the possibility of testing positive for COVID-19 between now and the end of the academic year.

Dear students,

Summer is almost here and we are writing today with an update for all students with housing contracts ending in mid-June. It is possible you will test positive for COVID-19 and begin isolation over the next week or so. As a result, you may not be cleared to leave isolation or you may not feel well enough to pack your belongings until after your housing contract ends.

The Stanford expectation is all students make a plan. The question we’d like you to consider is: Who will pack and move my belongings if I’m unable to do so myself because I’m isolating with COVID-19?

This applies to the following students:

  • All undergraduates, whether graduating, leaving Stanford for the summer, or staying at Stanford for the summer but moving to a different residence.
  • All graduate and professional students who are graduating or leaving their current Stanford housing unit at the end of spring quarter for any other reason.
  • All students above who are isolating in place or in university-provided isolation housing (students isolating in place may be moved to other university-provided isolation housing if their unit or building is needed immediately for incoming residents). Meal delivery service for students in isolation will continue.

Guidance for undergraduate students:

  • Begin packing your belongings now, everything except a 10-day supply of clothing, items you need to complete your school work, medication and valuables, all of which you should keep with you while in isolation.
  • Ask a friend or family member to be prepared to pack and move for you. If you test positive, complete this form to provide a Stanford friend with permission to enter your room. Contact your Housing Service Center if family or non-Stanford friends will be helping you.
  • We know some students may need help thinking through other options. Please contact your Resident Director.

Guidance for graduate and professional students:

  • Contact your Housing Service Center to ask for a contract extension if you test positive between now and the end of your housing contract.
  • Because an extension may not be possible, begin packing your belongings now, everything except a 10-day supply of clothing, items you need to complete your school work, medication and valuables, all of which you should keep with you while in isolation.
  • Ask a friend or family member to be prepared to pack and move for you. If you test positive, complete this form to provide a Stanford friend with permission to enter your room. Contact your Housing Service Center if family or non-Stanford friends will be helping you.
  • We know some students may need help thinking through other options. Please contact the Graduate Life Office.

Why this is important

We know this is tough to contemplate, and we certainly hope as few students as possible test positive between May 31 and move-out time. So please continue to mask up indoors and in crowded outdoor settings. Summer Session students, summer visitors, new students, and others will be arriving soon and moving into housing you will be vacating. That’s why we need your help in planning ahead.

Many students who test positive are experiencing no or mild symptoms. However, others are experiencing many symptoms that can come with a bad cold or flu. A bit of preparation now could go a long way toward helping you through this time, and on to a summer that we all hope is a welcome respite from the challenges of the past few years.

We wish you all the best on your final exams. Thank you for continuing to help us keep our campus community as safe and healthy as possible.


Mona Hicks
Senior Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students

Shirley Everett
Senior Associate Vice Provost for Residential & Dining Enterprises and Senior Adviser to the Provost on Equity and Inclusion