Message to graduate and professional students about campus life in spring quarter, DEI survey, and housing lottery
Susie Brubaker-Cole, Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Stacey F. Bent, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs provide an update about campus life in spring quarter.
Susie Brubaker-Cole, Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Stacey F. Bent, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs provide an update about campus life in spring quarter.
Dear graduate and professional students,
Echoing President Tessier-Lavigne’s message, we want to welcome you again to spring quarter! We also want to share early plans for campus reopening and alert you to several important university announcements.
First, we’re pleased that the incidence of COVID at Stanford has remained low, while many students have safely returned or moved onto campus over the last week. Still, we all need to continue to follow safety procedures, wear face coverings, physically distance, wash hands frequently, test twice weekly (via Color Genomics), and complete the Stanford Health Check daily — even if you have been vaccinated. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the health and safety of all those around you whether you are living on campus or elsewhere.
As Santa Clara County is loosening its public health restrictions, we are pleased to share long-anticipated plans for increasing campus activities in the coming weeks for those of you living on campus.
Here are a few highlights. Please also check the Spring 2021 Events & Gatherings page for updated information.
- Beginning April 14, graduate and professional students living on campus can organize private outdoor gatherings for up to 24 students from 3 households, an increase from our previous plans of up to 12 students from 3 households. Face coverings and physical distancing are required, and you’ll need to register your gathering. Don’t forget to register your household as well.
- The dining halls (AFDC, Wilbur, Stern, FloMo and Lakeside) will begin taking reservations for indoor dining on April 12 (up to 25 percent of dining room capacity). Students will receive an email with instructions for making reservations. In addition, the Axe & Palm, Market at Munger and EVGR Marketplace will all be open. Limited indoor dining is available at the Axe & Palm. Visit the Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE) website for locations and hours of dining halls and cafes and markets.
- The Arbor outdoor pub and gathering space created with students at Tresidder Memorial Union is scheduled to reopen sometime this quarter for grab-and-go meals, outdoor seating, music, game nights and more.
- Stanford Live’s Frost Amphitheater will host outdoor movies, in collaboration with the Office of Student Engagement.
- The Cantor Arts Center and the Anderson Collection will reopen to the public on April 21. Stanford students are invited to a special museum preview weekend April 16-18.
- Stanford Recreation and Wellness is inviting students to try its programs for free during its Spring Welcome Fair April 5-13 and to reserve a time for swimming, climbing and more.
- The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life will sponsor outdoor religious services for students and, later in the quarter, Stanford Associated Religions student groups may apply through ORSL to host religious gatherings.
- Students living off campus who are coming to campus regularly and following twice-weekly testing and Health Check requirements can access campus facilities and events that are open to the general public.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Survey
On March 19, Provost Drell announced that a new university-wide survey would be conducted in May as part of the IDEAL Initiative. Student representatives are serving on the committee to design the survey instrument. You can also share your ideas about this important information-gathering tool and process. Please also look for and complete the survey later this quarter so your perspectives can be included.
Graduate Housing Lottery
R&DE will open the 2021-22 graduate housing lottery in a few days. We know you are eager to experience a more lively and engaging campus life next year. We encourage those of you who are not graduating to apply for housing, regardless of your priority status.
We are grateful for your many contributions to the intellectual life of Stanford over the last year as well as to the health and safety of our community.
Warm wishes for spring,
Susie and Stacey
Susie Brubaker-Cole
Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Stacey F. Bent
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs
Jagdeep and Roshni Singh Professor in the School of Engineering