The status of Theta Delta Chi (TDX) fraternity
Associate Vice Provost for Inclusion, Community & Integrative Learning Emelyn dela Peña and Senior Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students Mona Hicks update fraternity and sorority leaders.
Dear fraternity and sorority student leaders,
We are writing today to provide an update on the status of Theta Delta Chi (TDX) fraternity as a result of an Organizational Conduct Board (OCB) proceeding, and to reflect on the condition of our fraternities and sororities overall.
- TDX was found responsible for three violations of university policy and will lose university recognition for six years, reflecting the deeply serious nature of the violations. TDX may petition to be reinstated as a student organization in Spring 2027.
- The university is committed to improving areas that need attention in individual chapters and our Greek-letter community in general, and to sustain aspects of these organizations that are working well. We have work to do to realize the excellence we envision.
- Greek leaders have stepped forward to advance tangible, specific change in our fraternity and sorority community. We ask that you join them.
- As TDX will no longer be a student organization, it will no longer occupy the house at 675 Lomita Drive. We are working on a process to determine how to allocate this house in a ResX context. We will maintain our commitment to 10 Greek houses.
The TDX investigation
In winter quarter 2020, the Office of Community Standards received a concern regarding illicit substances in the TDX fraternity house. In response, a notice of concern was provided to TDX and the Organization Conduct Board opened an investigation into the allegations.
Allegations and Findings
In October 2020, at the conclusion of the investigation, TDX was referred to an OCB Panel Review to determine:
- whether TDX violated the Fundamental Standard by failing to report to professional staff the alleged presence of illicit substances in their fraternity house;
- whether TDX violated the Fundamental Standard, the Controlled Substances and Alcohol policy, and/or the 2019-2020 Residence Agreement in regard to opioids that were allegedly present in the house; and
- whether TDX violated the Fundamental Standard, the Controlled Substances and Alcohol policy, the Stanford University Marijuana Policy and/or the 2019-2020 Residence Agreement in regard to the marijuana that was allegedly present in the house.
In January 2021, an OCB panel of three students and two faculty/staff members then reviewed the investigative findings and found TDX responsible for all three violations described above.
Next steps for TDX
The Dean of Students reviewed the panel’s findings and in March 2021 determined sanctions. After considering the Panel’s recommendations, the extremely serious nature of the charges, and TDX’s conduct history, the Dean of Students determined that TDX would lose university recognition for six years, including loss of all university privileges normally accorded to a Recognized Student Organization.
This is a serious sanction for a serious matter. A resident of the TDX house, a much-loved member of our community, tragically lost his life last winter. To be clear, the OCB investigation was not about assigning fault or responsibility for the student’s death. However, the investigation found serious lapses in policy compliance by the fraternity that we simply cannot have in our community, for the safety of everyone.
Within the next 30 days, TDX may petition the Dean of Students’ determination to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs (VPSA), for reconsideration of the sanctions. However, TDX may not contest the findings of the violations. This information was shared with TDX earlier today.
Our resolve for change within our Greek-letter organizations
A student’s time as a member of a fraternity or sorority should build the bonds of friendship and community, instill in each member a sense of responsibility and action in service of their community; build a student’s character rooted in values-based leadership, and build the lifelong habit of service. The findings in this TDX case do not, in any way, align with these values.
At the same time, a group of student leaders in the fraternity and sorority community are working to address serious concerns about diversity, equity, and inclusion; misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs; interpersonal violence; new member intake; values-based education, programming and retention; well-being and flourishing; and community values. We ask that each of you ask yourself how you can join them and how you can enact change within your spheres of influence. These are not issues that can be addressed by a small number of leaders in the community. These are issues that need to be tackled by every member of the Greek community, head on, with courage and conviction.
In February 2019, Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Susie Brubaker-Cole wrote a message to our chapters that described a future vision for Greek-letter organizations at Stanford. We believe that the Greek community can achieve the vision she describes, but we need to do it together.
Greek housing
TDX was a housed fraternity at 675 Lomita Drive, and losing university recognition means TDX will not be housed for at least six years. We feel it is important, in this context, to update you on fraternity and sorority housing in general.
In the winter quarter 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic began, the leadership of ResX spent two months meeting jointly with leaders in our ethnic theme dorm, co-op and housed fraternity and sorority communities to examine how we could maintain the integrity of the ResX plan and create a model in which these communities could be sustained. The result of these conversations is reflected in our planning on the ResX website and includes continuing the four ethnic theme dorms, seven co-op houses and our commitment to ten fraternity and sorority houses on campus. We imagine there are many questions about how the 675 Lomita Drive house will be allocated. We are working on this question and will have more information for you soon.
We also acknowledge the current discussion on our campus, led by the ASSU, regarding whether Stanford should continue to house Greek-letter organizations. This is an important discussion and we appreciate the diligence with which the ASSU is engaging in it. The undergraduate residence governance council will work with ASSU and respond to their findings and recommendations when they are received.
In closing
As we think about you all reading this message, for many of you who are away from campus, we imagine it can feel disconnected from your day to day life or perhaps overwhelming. As you are managing the many challenges and changes that have come with attending a university during a pandemic, we want to encourage you to seek out the support you need. Our campus resources continue to be available to you and we are here to support you.
Emelyn dela Peña
Associate Vice Provost for Inclusion, Community & Integrative Learning
Mona Hicks
Senior Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students