Testing requirements for spring break and quarter for continuing undergraduates
The Dean of Students and Vaden Health Services provide guidance for undergraduates living on campus now and in the spring quarter.
Hello undergraduates,
First of all, thank you so much for all your efforts to keep yourselves, your households, and the campus community as safe and healthy as possible during this academic year. The prevalence of COVID-19 at Stanford is low and we are grateful for your continued diligence and care. We know it has not been easy, and we look forward to a time when classes and other activities can resume as close to a new normal as possible.
We are writing today with updates, information and reminders for spring break and spring quarter. Here is what we will cover:
- Testing requirements for undergraduates traveling during spring break
- Testing requirements for undergraduates during spring quarter
- COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements
- Restricted activity and gatherings during spring quarter
Testing requirements for undergraduates traveling during SPRING BREAK
- If you plan to travel more than 150 miles away from Santa Clara County’s borders during spring break, schedule an appointment with Verily Life Sciences so that you can test immediately upon return. 24 hours after your first test with Verily, make an appointment for your next test.
- While you await the results of your first and second tests, you may leave your residence for medical care, to pick up meals if you have a Stanford Dining meal plan or if you have groceries or prepared food delivered, and for solo outdoor exercise.
- Before you leave, please let us know by completing this form, which will pause automated testing reminders during your absence.
Testing requirements for undergraduates during SPRING QUARTER
- Our COVID-19 testing requirements have not changed. Undergraduates living on campus, or approved to come to campus on a regular basis to do research, are required to test twice weekly with Verily and to complete a daily Stanford Health Check. This means schedule one test from Monday-Wednesday and one test from Thursday-Saturday each week. Those coming to campus infrequently are required to test the day they come to campus and to complete a Stanford Health Check before they arrive.
- Coterm students living on campus in Stanford graduate housing or off campus must comply with graduate and professional student testing requirements and are required to test with Color Genomics. EVGR-A is considered undergraduate housing during spring 2021.
- These requirements apply to everyone, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status. The university is studying CDC guidance and will update the campus community about any changes.
- Tresidder Memorial Union will continue to house a Verily testing site. The McCaw Hall site will close March 19, when graduate and professional students shift to testing with Color Genomics.
- Student athletes should check in with the athletics department for testing guidance.
Restricted activity and gatherings during spring quarter
- All undergraduates, including those approved to come to campus to do research, will be in a period of restricted activity ending April 7. Restricted activity means you can leave your residence for twice weekly testing with Verily, for medical care, to pick-up meals if you have a Stanford Dining meal plan or if you have groceries or prepared food delivered and for solo outdoor exercise.
- Undergraduate students will be able to form households and will be able to gather indoors and outdoors with their households on April 7.
- If conditions continue to improve, we will begin to allow gatherings of up to 3 households with no more than 12 students on April 14.
- Here is more information on spring quarter.
Our weekly giveaway program continues
Thank you for meeting our student testing requirements to keep our community, especially in student housing, safe and healthy. We appreciate the extra effort everyone is making to work through this together. To encourage compliance, we will continue to randomly select a few students who are testing responsibly to receive giveaways like DoorDash gift cards, AirPods, and other student-friendly items.
Thank you for reading this email carefully. We know this is a lot to take in. We have posted more information. If you have questions about Verily registration, services and test sites, please submit a ServiceNow ticket. We will get through this together!
Mona Hicks
Senior Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students
Dr. Jim Jacobs
Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director, Vaden Health Services