4/27/98 CONTACT: James Risser or James Bettinger, Communication (650) 723-4937 Knight Journalism Fellows named at StanfordTwelve U.S. journalists have been awarded John S. Knight Fellowships at Stanford University for the 1998-99 academic year. During their stay at Stanford, the Knight Fellows will pursue independent courses of study and participate in special seminars. The 1998-99 program marks the 33rd year that Stanford has offered fellowships for professional journalists. Financial support for the U.S. fellows comes primarily from an endowment provided by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The program will also include six International Knight Fellows. They will be announced next month. The Knight Fellowships program director is Professor James V. Risser. James R. Bettinger is deputy director. Following are the 1998-99 U.S. Knight Fellows and their principal areas of study: Karen Breslau, White House correspondent, Newsweek; comparative racial politics. Gerald M. Carbone, staff writer, Providence Journal-Bulletin; history and culture through a feminist prism. Richard Chin, staff writer, St. Paul Pioneer Press; lying. Susan Cohen, freelance writer, Berkeley, Calif.; science, culture and society. Tom Davidson, Broward metro editor, Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel; the economics of information. Daniel Golden, projects reporter, Boston Globe; inherited wealth and the American aristocracy. Linda Gradstein, Israel correspondent, National Public Radio; religion, gender studies, and journalism and public policy. Bill Guttentag, independent film maker, Venice, Calif.; contemporary international political and social issues. Joseph Neff, staff writer, Raleigh News & Observer; public and private spheres in the justice system. Stephen Proctor, assistant managing editor/features, Baltimore Sun; non-fiction narrative, U.S. history, fine arts and economics. Aurelio Rojas, staff writer, San Francisco Chronicle; race, class and the media. Doug J. Swanson, national correspondent, Dallas Morning News; the death and resurrection of the American frontier. The U.S. fellows were chosen by the Knight Fellowship Program Committee: James Adams, Stanford professor of engineering; Robert Boyd, Knight-Ridder national correspondent; Gerald Gunther, Stanford professor of law; Saundra Keyes, Contra Costa Times managing editor; Marion Lewenstein, Stanford professor of communication; Diane Middlebrook, Stanford professor of English; Norman Naimark, Stanford professor of history, Thomas F. Mulvoy Jr., Boston Globe managing editor; Sheila Stainback, correspondent, WNBC-TV/New York. -30-
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