CONTACT: Stanford University News Service (650) 723-2558
Retired senator Bill Bradley will be the Payne Distinguished Professor at Stanford University's Institute for International Studies during the 1997-98 academic year.
He will be in residence at Stanford between Sept. 1,1997 and Aug. 31, 1998, during which time he will also be affiliated with the University of Maryland as a Distinguished Leader Scholar. As the Payne Distinguished Professor, Bradley will deliver up to five public lectures and edit the lectures into a publishable manuscript. Payne professors also typically participate in the Stanford institute's seminars, honors programs, and research forums.
The Institute for International Studies brings experts from a variety of disciplines within the university together with long- and short-term visitors from other academic, government and corporate institutions to study contemporary policy issues. Research is focused primarily on international security, the global environment and international political economy.
Senator Bradley has not yet chosen the theme for his public lectures, but he is expected to draw upon expertise in American foreign policy gained during his 18 years representing New Jersey in the United States Senate.
Bradley studied politics, philosophy and economics at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar and was captain of the 1964 U.S. basketball team that won the gold medal at the Olympics in Tokyo.
Of his Senate accomplishments, Bradley is especially proud of the Freedom Exchange Act, which has brought more than 13,000 high school students to the United States from Russia and other former Soviet republics. He served on the international advisory panel to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade as well as such Senate committees as Finance and Natural Resources.
Bradley is a member of the Institute's international Advisory Council and an active participant in the work of its Asia/Pacific Research Center. Together with former secretary of state George Shultz, he co-chairs annual meetings of leaders from the Asia/Pacific region that serve to open communication and foster deeper understanding of the region as a whole.
The visiting professorship that Bradley will hold was endowed by descendants of Arthur and Frank Payne to raise public understanding of the complex policy issues facing the global community today and increase support for informed international cooperation.
Former Payne Professors include William K. Reilly, former head of the Environmental Protection Agency and The Hon. Tommy T.B. Koh, Ambassador-at-Large for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Singapore. The position currently is occupied by James E. Goodby, former principal negotiator and special representative of President Clinton for nuclear security and dismantlement.
For more information on the Institute for International Studies available on the World WideWeb, see http://www-iis.stanford.edu/general.info.
-By Elizabeth Nichols-