CONTACT: Marisa Cigarroa, News Service (415) 725-9750;
e-mail marisac@leland.stanford.edu
CONTACT: Stanford University News Service (650) 723-2558
STANFORD -- Ellen Woods, assistant dean for undergraduate studies, has been given the additional title of associate vice provost for undergraduate education.
In her expanded role, Woods will help develop the administrative infrastructure to support the new initiatives in Stanford Introductory Studies. She also will continue to implement new policies and programs issued by the President's Commission on Undergraduate Education.
Woods graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1969 with a degree in French. After earning a doctorate in French and humanities from Stanford in 1977, she joined the staff of the Rockefeller Commission on the Humanities, headed by then University President RIchard Lyman. She also taught in both the French language and the Western Culture programs at Stanford.
Woods joined the staff of the School of Humanities in 1983. Some of the recent projects she has overseen include the launching of the new undergraduate minor and the development of the Writing in the Major requirement. .
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