CONTACT: Stanford University News Service (650) 723-2558
STANFORD -- Student teachers and faculty from the Stanford School of Education will once again join forces with experienced teachers in the 1996 Stanford Summer Teaching School.
The five-week program will be offered to approximately 330 seventh and eighth graders from throughout the Bay Area. Located at Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School in Palo Alto, the summer school will run from Tuesday, June 25, to Friday, July 26, from 8 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Building on the success of two previous summers, the school offers an array of courses and activities designed to foster the academic, social and emotional growth of students. The program targets the usual range of students who take summer school, including those seeking enrichment, improving their basic academic skills or repeating courses. Master teachers, chosen for their outstanding teaching and creative approaches, will be paired with four student teachers from the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP). The seventh and eighth graders enrolled in the program can expect a positive learning environment in classrooms with a student-adult ratio of no more than 5-to-1.
"The Summer Teaching School will be a place where everyone can learn," said Beverly Carter, director of the Stanford Teacher Education Program at the Graduate School of Education. "It will provide innovative and intensive courses for this year's seventh and eighth grade students, a coordinated first teaching experience for student teachers, and challenging professional development opportunities for master teachers and staff. The summer school cuts across county, district and organizational lines to create a new opportunity for all involved."
Students from Milpitas, Ravenswood and Redwood City school districts may be sponsored by their districts. Interested applicants should contact their school counselor or district office. Other students may attend the summer school on a tuition basis through Stanford University ($250 for five weeks of instruction).
Enrollment is limited and students will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, contact James Shabazz, Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP), CERAS Building 310, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-3084; (415) 723-4891.
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