CONTACT: Stanford University News Service (650) 723-2558
STANFORD -- News about Stanford research and events now is available well before postal delivery on Stanford News Service's web site.
The site's address is http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/.
The News Service web site is divided into four sections: News from Stanford; Events and Experts; Who We Are; and Search the Archives.
The News section contains a listing of news releases issued by the office in the last few months. Headlines of articles can be viewed either in reverse chronological order or by category. Clicking on the headlines brings up the full text.
Web versions of news releases frequently contain links to related information on other Stanford web pages. Releases can be downloaded as text or as fully formatted documents using Adobe Acrobat. They are often accompanied by publication-quality graphics that can be downloaded directly from the site.
The News Service archives, which can be reached either from the News or Search sections, contain news releases dating back to 1991. Users can search this material by the name of the individuals involved or by specific categories.
Also available in the News section is an online version of Stanford Today, the News Service's insert to Stanford Magazine, published by the Alumni Association. Currently, articles can be downloaded as fully formatted documents using Adobe Acrobat. In the near future the magazine will be available in a format that can be read online.
Other sections allow users to search a calendar of campus events by date or category, and provide background and contact information on News Service staff, and contact information for the other media offices on the Stanford campus.
Please take a look at the site, add it to your bookmarks, and tell us what you think by filling out our online guest book.
Download this release and its related files.
The release is provided in Adobe Acrobat format. Any images shown in the release are provided at publishing quality. Additional images also may be provided. Complete credit and caption information is included.