CONTACT: Stanford University News Service (650) 723-2558
STANFORD -- The office of Total Compensation has scheduled three Benefits Fairs during the first half of November, at which employees can obtain information pertaining to the November "open enrollment" period for benefits.
In addition, there will be six presentations to help employees navigate their way through the complex enrollment process for the university's new flexible benefits program.
The Benefits Fairs are scheduled for:
Tuesday, Nov. 9, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tresidder Oak Lounge.
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., SLAC Auditorium.
Thursday, Nov. 11, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fairchild Auditorium.
At the fairs, information will be available on the various medical and other insurance plans available to faculty and staff, as well as other university benefits. This year especially, employees are encouraged to attend the fairs to help them make decisions on which benefits to enroll for during open enrollment.
The enrollment presentations are scheduled for:
Monday, Nov. 1, noon to 2 p.m., CERAS.
Friday, Nov. 5, noon to 2 p.m., Fairchild Auditorium.
Monday, Nov. 8, noon to 2 p.m., Fairchild.
Monday, Nov. 8, noon to 12:30 p.m., CERAS.
Tuesday, Nov. 9, noon to 2 p.m., Wattis Room, GSB.
Monday, Nov. 15, noon to 2 p.m., CERAS.
Jim Franklin, manager of Total Compensation, will be making all of the presentations except for the one scheduled for Nov. 8 at CERAS; that presentation will be made by Elif Inan, a benefits supervisor from Total Compensation.
All Stanford employees (except those covered by the United Stanford Workers' contract and those employed by the hospital) should receive enrollment work kits at their home addresses the last week of October. People who do not receive work kits, those who would like reprints of "Educated Choices" newsletters describing various plans, or those who need additional information should contact Total Compensation at 723-3377.
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