CONTACT: Stanford University News Service (650) 723-2558
STANFORD -- Disabled persons will find more accessible facilities, special equipment and extra services at Stanford Law School because of a new fund being endowed by the California law firm of Folger & Levin, Dean Paul Brest said.
"We strive to make our school a hospitable environment, where every individual can enjoy similar educational and social opportunities," Brest said in announcing the $250,000 endowment.
Stanford's new Folger & Levin Endowed Fund for Persons with Disabilities will provide for improvements and programs to make the law school more accessible to the disabled, facilitate their work, and otherwise enhance their law school experience. Such expenditures include: structural modifications to the law school facilities; the purchase and maintenance of computer-assisted learning devices and other equipment; and salaries for note-takers, interpreters and research assistants.
The fund is to benefit any person with a disability who works or studies at Stanford Law School, including faculty and staff. If the income from the gift exceeds the school's needs in any given year, the excess may be used for financial aid to one or more students with disabilities, who would then be named "Folger & Levin Scholars."
"We are delighted to support Stanford in this worthwhile way and hope our gift will inspire others to make comparable commitments," John Levin, a founding partner in the firm, said.
Stanford Law School has 13 students with disabilities enrolled, up from three a decade ago. It, like the university as a whole, has a goal of incorporating people with disabilities into the mainstream of the campus community.
For 10 years, the university has maintained a Disability Resource Center, providing a range of services to disabled students. Those services are described in a publication, Access Stanford, which is available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and regular printed form. For a copy, write the Disability Resource Center, 123 Meyer Library, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-3094, or call (415) 723-1066 (TDD 723- 1067).
Inquiries about opportunities for law students with disabilities should be directed to Sally Dickson, associate dean for student affairs, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA 94305-8610 (telephone 415/723- 4521).
Information about the financial needs of the school in regard to people with disabilities is available from Susan Bell, associate dean for development, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA 94305-8610 (telephone 415/723-6123).
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