CONTACT: Stanford University News Service (650) 723-2558
STANFORD -- Stanford President Donald Kennedy and 13 Stanford students have been named spring quarter recipients of the 1992 James W. Lyons Award for Service.
Kennedy, who will step down as Stanford's president at the end of August, was honored "for his strong and steadfast promotion of service and its ideals, opportunities, and rewards; for his insistence that Stanford students have the talent, the energy and yes, even the time to work for the common good and better the lives of those around them; and for his enthusiastic support of this award program, contributing his unique humor and style to its ceremonies and his admiration and applause for its many recipients over the years."
Students honored at the May 21 award ceremony and dinner included June Cohen, a senior majoring in anthropology; Karen Kramer, a senior majoring in American Studies; Alma Medina, a senior majoring in Spanish and Portuguese; Valerie Mih, a senior majoring in American Studies; Vincent Ricci, a senior majoring in history; Emily Simas, a senior majoring in American Studies; and Matt Waddell, a senior majoring in English.
Also honored were Peter Dumanian, Nick Folger, Tracy Griffin, David Michael, Tony Miller and Thad Whalen, all students at the Graduate School of Business.
Cohen was cited for her work on the Stanford Daily, ranging from reporting and layout to headline writing to editing, and for the "Herculean task of producing the current Women's Guide to Stanford, a 1000-hour effort yielding a comprehensive, sophisticated and widely respected publication."
Kramer was honored for creating and directing the Greek RAP program, a rape education project for fraternity and sorority populations; for helping to found the Stanford Coalition Against Sexual Assault; for her work with the Department of Public Safety, creating valuable written materials in the areas of alcohol abuse and acquaintance rape; and for her unusual contributions to an understanding of sexual assault issues, both as a student researcher and as an organizer and teacher of a SWOPSI course on gender, communication, and sexual violence.
Medina was honored for her contributions to Stanford's Chicano/Latino community, including help with orientations, receptions, panels, cultural and educational programs, Ballet Folklorico, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, talent shows, Raza Day for Bay Area high school students, and the first Chicano/Latino Alumni Club symposium.
Mih was cited for establishing and building the Asian Community Immigration Clinics in San Jose and San Francisco; for founding the newspaper New Winds and the Stanford Taiko Group (including building the taiko drums), and for service on the Associated Students of Stanford University Nominating Committee, and search committees for the Vice President for Student Resources and the Asian American Activities Center director.
Ricci was honored "for a varied and successful Stanford career, ranging from the art of improvising - as a member of the Stanford Improvisors - to teaching, tutoring and student government; for his leading and listening skills, especially as a tutor, camp counselor and advocate of public education; and for his role as Director of Financial Aid Advocates, a student organization that explains and explores financial aid options available to Stanford students."
Simas was recognized for her success as general coordinator for new student orientation and the first Leadership Summit, and "for her effortless and constant demonstration of the resident assistant qualities that resident fellows and students most prize - dedication, energy, warmth, creativity, energy, compassion, tact, energy . . . and, of course, energy."
Waddell was honored for his efforts to improve educational programs and offerings in the English Department; for helping to found The Stanford Economics Journal, a vehicle for developing and presenting students' writing; and for his initiative and hard work as a member of the Advisory Panel on Investment Responsibility.
The business students, - Dumanian, Folger, Griffin, Michael, Miller and Whalen - were cited "for their bold plan to make college a realistic dream for 56 elementary school youths in East Palo Alto by establishing the I Have A Dream program; for raising $400,000 to cover 8 years of personal support in addition to the years of college tuition; and for the selfless hours of tutoring, teaching and coaching at Flood School that help to develop young talent, nurture their dreams, and provide firm ground for the growth of their futures."
The James W. Lyons Award for Service was established to recognize service contributions made by students from a variety of schools, departments, teams, clubs, residences and community projects. All enrolled students are eligible.
Selections are made on the basis of nominations from members of the Stanford community: faculty, staff and students. Nominations can be made in the form of a letter or memo addressed to Michael L. Jackson, Dean of Students, 323 Old Union, mail code 3010.
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