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First Amendment to be topic of forum, Tom Wicker lecture May 6

STANFORD -- "First Amendment Challenges Today" will be the subject of a forum to be held Monday, May 6, at Stanford. Topics will include "Instant Journalism Goes to War," "Hate Speech and Thought Police on Campus," "Protected Expression in the Arts and Music" and "Privacy Rights of Public Officials and Celebrities."

In conjunction with the forum, Tom Wicker, associate editor and columnist for the New York Times, will give the 1991 Carlos McClatchy Memorial Lecture, "Nibbling at the First Amendment," at 8 p.m. May 6 in Kresge Auditorium, Law School.

The daylong forum, open to the public without charge, is sponsored by the California First Amendment Coalition, First Amendment Congress and Stanford's Department of Communication. Registration for the panel discussions will begin at 8 a.m. on the second floor of Tresidder Union.

This is one of a series of regional forums sponsored by the First Amendment Congress, a national organization promoting discussion and understanding of the First Amendment as part of the 1991 bicentennial of the ratification of the Bill of Rights. At the forums, constitutional experts and representatives of various public and private interests will gather to re-examine the meaning of free expression principles in contemporary life.

The first session, from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m., will feature panels on "Protected Expression in the Arts and Music" and "Instant Journalism Goes to War." Moderating the panel on the arts will be James Ware, U.S. District Court Judge, Northern District of California. Panelists will be James Bernard, free-lance writer and associate editor of the Source; David L. Llewellyn Jr., president and special counsel, Western Center for Law and Religious Freedom; Margie O'Driscoll, acting director, San Francisco Arts Commission; Donald Roberts, professor and chair, Stanford Department of Communication; and Sam Wang, Stanford graduate student in neuroscience and staff member of KZSU-FM.

Former Congressman Pete McCloskey will moderate the panel on media restrictions during the Gulf War. Panelists will be Judith Cohen, lecturer in mass communications at UC-Berkeley; Col. Darryl Henderson, U.S. Army; Carl Nolte, reporter with the San Francisco Chronicle; and U.S. Navy Capt. Michael Sherman.

The session from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. will offer discussions of "Free _Expression in the Private Marketplace and Workplace" and "Public Access to Privately Owned Communications Media." Brian Landsberg, professor at McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, will serve as host for the marketplace panel. Panelists will include Joseph Grodin, former justice of the California Supreme Court and now on the faculty at Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, and J. Al Latham Jr., counsel for employers on employment law issues. Also scheduled to take part are an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union and a representative of the International Council of Shopping Centers.

Tom Goldstein, dean of the UC-Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, will moderate the panel on public access. Speakers will be Harold Farrow, counsel to cable television operators nationwide; Herb Gunther, public relations consultant to public interest groups; Audrie Krause, with Toward Utility Rate Normalization (TURN) in San Francisco; Neil Shapiro, counsel on First Amendment matters to the San Francisco Chronicle and KRON-TV; and Sylvia Siegel, advocate for improved public access to cable television.

From 2 to 3:30 p.m. there will be panels on "Public Information and Privacy Values in the High-Tech Era" and "Privacy Rights of Public Officials and Celebrities." Moderating the high-tech panel will be Jim Warren, founder of InfoWorld magazine and the West Coast Computer Faire. Panelists will be Pete Carey, reporter with the San Jose Mercury News; Steve Cisler, senior scientist with Apple Computer; Mark Graham, president of Pandora Systems; Jeff Johnson with H-P Labs; and Dennis McKenna, publisher of Government Technology.

John Diamond, professor at Hastings College of Law, will be the host for the panel on privacy rights. Panelists will be Claire Cooper, legislative and legal affairs reporter with the Sacramento Bee; Laura Ornest, who covers Hollywood for KFWB radio in Los Angeles; Jeff Raimundo, political campaign consultant in Sacramento; and Mc St. Johns, veteran Hollywood publicist.

The final session, from 3:45 to 5 p.m. will offer panels on "The Problem of Equating Campaign Spending with Speech" and "Hate Speech and Thought Police on Campus." Hans Linde, visiting professor of law at Stanford, will moderate the panel on campaign spending. Panelists will include Jeremy Cohen, associate professor of communication at Stanford; Lisa Foster, executive director of California Common Cause; and Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, senior associate, Center for Politics and Policy, Claremont Graduate School. They will be joined by a representative from the California Political Lawyers Association.

Stanford President Donald Kennedy will serve as moderator of the panel on hate speech. Panelists will be law Profs. William Cohen and Thomas Grey of Stanford and Robert Post of Boalt Law School, and Shauna Jackson, president of the Stanford Law Review.

Wicker, the evening speaker, graduated from the University of North Carolina and worked at a number of newspapers in the South before joining the New York Times in 1960. He worked in Washington, D.C., where he covered the White House, Congress and national politics. As White House correspondent in 1963, he was in Dallas with President Kennedy and covered the president's assassination.

He became chief of the Times' Washington bureau in September 1964 and in October 1966 he began writing the "In the Nation" column. In 1972 he moved to New York, where he continues to write the column for the Times' op-ed page. He is the author of eight novels and five works of non- fiction. His most recent book, One of Us: Richard Nixon and the American Dream, was published in March.



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