CONTACT: Neil Calder: (650) 926-8707, neil.calder@slac.stanford.edu
RELEVANT WEB URLs: Physicist Fred Kavli and the Kavli Foundation have pledged $7.5 million
to establish an institute that will focus on recent developments in
astrophysics, high-energy physics and cosmology. The Kavli Institute
for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology will foster collaboration between
faculty from Stanford's Physics and Applied Physics departments, and
the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), which is operated by
Stanford for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). A gift pledged by
Pehong and Adele Chen in 2001 will be used to name and endow the directorship
of the center.
"The research made possible by the gift of Fred Kavli will put Stanford
on the frontier of inquiry in this fascinating area of science," said
university President John Hennessy. "The institute will bring together
some of the brightest minds in particle astrophysics and cosmology and
underscores the long tradition of collaboration between the university
and SLAC. Working with the Department of Energy, NASA and the National
Science Foundation, we expect great things to happen, and we are grateful
to Mr. Kavli for his vision and support."
The institute's focal point, a 25,000 square-foot building on the
SLAC site that includes workspace for 90 people, laboratory space and
an auditorium, will be completed in 2005. The building will be named
for Kavli.
Astrophysicist Roger Blandford will serve as director of the institute
and will be the first holder of the Pehong and Adele Chen Chair of Particle
Astrophysics and Cosmology. Steven Kahn, a physics professor at Columbia
University, will move to Stanford to be the institute's deputy director
and will serve as assistant director of research at SLAC. Blandford
and Kahn will have joint faculty appointments at SLAC and in Stanford's
Department of Physics. Their appointments will be effective in the fall
of 2003.
"The Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology adds
new scope to SLAC's internationally recognized research programs," said
SLAC Director Jonathan Dorfan. "Roger Blandford and Steve Kahn are the
'dream team' to launch Stanford's Kavli Institute. Their combination
of scientific accomplishment and demonstrated leadership within academia
and within the field of particle astrophysics and cosmology ensures
an exciting and highly productive future for the institute."
Kavli is the founder, former chairman and chief executive officer
of the Moorpark, Calif.-based Kavlico Corp., one of the world's largest
suppliers of sensors for aeronautics, automotive and industrial applications.
He led the company to prominence before selling it two years ago. He
subsequently established the Oxnard, Calif.-based Kavli Foundation and
the Kavli Institute. The Kavli Foundation sponsors research in cosmology,
nanoscience and brain science.
"I am very pleased to help sponsor the Kavli Particle Astrophysics
and Cosmology Institute since I believe that with the resources of Stanford
University and SLAC and under the expert leadership of Roger Blandford
and Steven Kahn, we will expand our knowledge and make new discoveries,"
said Kavli. "The merging of expertise and resources in particle physics,
astrophysics and cosmology has exciting future potential."
Physics at the smallest scales-, as studied at particle physics accelerators;
at the largest scales, as studied using the universe as a laboratory;
and in the most extreme environments of Supernovae and Gamma Ray bursts,
all seem to coalesce. Particle astrophysics is thus in a pivotal position.
Waiting to be explored are questions that could radically change our
understanding of the Universe: What powered the Big Bang? What is the
role of dark matter in binding the Universe together? What are the dynamics
of black holes? Are there hidden space-time dimensions?
"The investment Stanford University is making in this newly developing
exciting field, and their decision to locate the new institute at SLAC,
will benefit not only the laboratory but all of science," said Dr. Raymond
L. Orbach, director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science,
which oversees SLAC. "This forefront field is of enormous intellectual
and scientific importance, and the Office of Science is privileged to
be associated with this initiative. Our thanks go to Stanford University,
the Kavli Foundation and the Chen family for making all this happen."
Blandford earned his doctorate at Cambridge and for more than 25 years
has been a professor at Caltech, where he specializes in high-energy
astrophysics and cosmology. He is a fellow of the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences and a fellow of the Royal Society. He received the
Helen B. Warner Prize of the American Astronomical Society in 1982,
the Dannie Heineman Prize of the American Astronomical Society in 1998
and the Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1999. He
has been instrumental in designing roadmaps for the future of national
astrophysics and cosmology programs.
"This is an exciting time in cosmology and particle astrophysics.
New observational discoveries about the universe are challenging our
understanding of basic physics," Blandford said. "I am very grateful
to the Kavli Foundation for its vision and generosity, and I look forward
to working with the Stanford community to create an intellectually vibrant
center that will bring physicists and astronomers together to address
these challenges."
Kahn earned his doctorate at the University of California-Berkeley
and did postdoctoral work at Harvard. He was on the faculty at Berkeley
before going to Columbia, where he recently served as chair of the Physics
Department. He has a broad range of research experience in observational
and in laboratory astrophysics.
"The fields of particle astrophysics and cosmology have yielded remarkable
and surprising discoveries over the last few years. It is a perfect
time to inaugurate a dedicated institute to capitalize on these advances.
The environment at SLAC and Stanford is ideal. The new institute should
be well positioned to harness a diverse array of relevant scientific
and technical capabilities that are already present at these institutions."
The current chair of the Stanford Physics Department, Doug Osheroff,
and his predecessor, Steve Chu, both Nobel laureates, see the institute
as a key step in continuing Stanford's tradition of groundbreaking research.
"This is the most exciting thing that has happened to physics at Stanford
in the past 15 years, and that includes four Nobel Prizes in a row,"
said Osheroff. "This new institute will serve as a catalyst, focusing
both new and existing expertise at SLAC and on campus to work on some
of the most challenging questions of our time. In addition, we could
not have attracted two better scientists to lead in this effort."
"One of the most exciting frontiers of physics lies in the exploration
of the very small and the very large," Chu said. "The Kavli Institute
for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology will provide a fertile environment
for our researchers to study how physics at the smallest scales affects
the largest scales of the universe. With the generous support of Fred
Kavli and the Kavli Foundation, Pehong and Adele Chen, and the recruitment
of two stellar physicists, Roger Blandford and Steve Kahn, we are off
to a fantastic start. I anticipate this institute will generate extraordinary
By Neil Calder < |
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