NEWS RELEASE ![]() James Robinson, News Service (650) 723-5675; e-mail: jamesrob@stanford.edu About 1,600 -- or 66.5 percent of those admitted accept admission to Class of 2004Stanford's popularity continues to grow, with 66.5 percent of admitted prospective freshmen electing to enroll in the Class of 2004, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Robert Kinnally said Thursday. That percentage is up from 65 percent last year, 64 percent in 1998 and 63 percent in 1997, Kinnally said. This year's 66.5 percent yield is the highest since 1969, when 68 percent of those admitted decided to come to Stanford. Last year, the surge in Stanford's popularity resulted in a larger than anticipated freshman class of about 1,740 students. This year, Kinnally factored in a higher yield rate, and the class of 2004 is expected to number about 1,600, a more normal size. The yield rate, Kinnally said, "speaks to Stanford's popularity, and this year we had the largest number of faculty participating in yield programs, which include calling admitted students and participating in Admit Weekend activities." He said Stanford continues to maintain a high profile in the press, which is something prospective students and their parents take note of. For example, last month history Professor David Kennedy won the Pulitzer Prize for his book Freedom From Fear. "When a professor of his ilk earns a Pulitzer, people take notice," Kinnally said. In addition, Stanford athletics continue to shine. "Stanford is a place of excellence and people realize the excellence plays out in so many different arenas around campus," he said. The 66.5-percent yield is an overall figure representing both Early Decision and Regular Admission rates. In the Early Decision program, in which prospective freshmen commit to enrolling at Stanford, 470 freshmen were admitted out of 2,087 who applied. In the Regular Admission program, Stanford admitted 1,938 students, of whom 1,131 or 58 percent said they will enroll. Altogether, there were 18,362 applicants for the Class of 2004, of whom 2,408 were offered admission, representing a 13-percent admit rate. By returning to a freshman class of about 1,600, Stanford will be able to accommodate more transfer students, Kinnally said. Offers were made this week to 110 potential transfer students, of whom Kinnally expects to enroll 82. Last year, because of the large freshman class, only 21 transfer students were enrolled. "We're excited about the group of transfers," Kinnally said. "They bring a tremendous diversity of experience and college life, with 18 percent of the admitted transfers coming from the community college system. Many have worked and some have raised families. They enrich the experience of our undergraduates who have come right from high school to Stanford." -30- By James Robinson
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