Honors and Awards
LADORIS CORDELL, vice provost for campus relations and special counselor to the president, will receive the 2004 Rose Bird Memorial Award from California Women Lawyers (CWL). The award was established in honor of Bird, the first female chief justice of the California Supreme Court. Cordell, who came to Stanford in 2001, served for 19 years as a judge. She is a 1974 Stanford Law School graduate and was an assistant dean for student affairs for the Law School from 1978 to 1982. The first attorney to open a private law practice in East Palo Alto, Cordell was appointed a Santa Clara County Municipal Court judge in 1982 and in 1988 won a countywide election to become a Santa Clara County Superior Court judge. In announcing the award, Candace Carroll, CWL president, cited Cordell's courage and compassion on the bench: "Judge Cordell has consistently strived to help the underprivileged and serve her community. ... [She] was known as a brilliant and innovative judge who identified strongly with the downtrodden and developed a number of ground-breaking programs to assist such persons in the court system."
KRISHNA SARASWAT, the Rickey/Nielsen Professor of Engineering, has been awarded the 2004 Andrew S. Grove Award by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) "for seminal contributions to silicon process technology." Saraswat was honored for more than 30 years of visionary leadership in areas ranging from fundamental research of silicon oxidation to system-level studies of wiring delays and chip performance. His contributions to device structures, new materials and process technology of silicon devices and integrated circuits have repeatedly resulted in seminal advances for industry, such as continued scaling of device dimensions and improvement in the performance of integrated circuits.