Amy Blue Award winners announced
Neil Hamilton, senior financial analyst in the dean's office at the School of Humanities and Sciences; Esther Phillips, a food service worker in Residential and Dining Enterprises; and Elaine Ray, director of the News Service, have been named winners of the 13th annual Amy J. Blue Awards. The awards honor staff members who are exceptionally dedicated, supportive of colleagues and passionate about their work.
This year the selection committee received approximately 280 nominations for more than 100 nominees, said committee member Elizabeth Hiyama, associate director for residential education. The committee includes former award recipients and other faculty and staff members.
Winners will be honored with a plaque at a ceremony and reception from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday, May 20, at the Lagunita Court courtyard. Award winners also receive a one-year "A" parking sticker and a $3,000 prize to be used for personal or professional enrichment.