subject of bioethics talk
What exactly is suffering when it comes to
medicine? Is it simply a matter of physical pain that health-care
providers attempt to relieve in their patients or does a self-image
problem that someone hopes to fix through cosmetic surgery qualify
as a form of suffering addressed by medicine?
A grand rounds talk presented by the Stanford Center for Biomedical
Ethics will explore the issue along with ways that popular culture
inserts itself into medicine.
Suzanne Holland, PhD, associate professor of religious and social
ethics at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Wash., will
deliver the talk.
“To Relieve Human Suffering: Medicine, Ethics and the Culture
of Conformity” will explore some of the issues raised by
modern technologies at the intersection of medicine, ethics and
popular culture.
The talk is Thursday at noon in room M-106 of the medical
For more information, visit the center’s Web site at