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Oh, the humanities! Book celebration showcases 2003 works by campus fuzzies

The annual Humanities Center Book Celebration, which honors the scholarly and artistic output of Stanford's humanists, got under way for the 11th year running last week with the usual combination of champagne, hors d'oeuvres and a friendly roast.

Stanford Libraries employees Sarah Sussman, left, curator of French and Italian Collections, and Annette Keogh, assistant curator of British and American literature, peruse displays at the annual book celebration. Photo: L.A. Cicero

"Many authors feel slighted if their work is not slighted at these festivities, and tradition has bound us to comply with this evidence of academic masochism," said Humanities Center Director John Bender, the Doyle Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and the Meier Family Professor in Humanities, who presided over the event. The celebration recognizes works published during the previous year and includes a number of tongue-in-cheek awards.

This year's heavyweight championship ended in a draw between history Professor Clayborne Carson's Civil Rights Chronicle: The African-American Struggle for Freedom and English Professor Terry Castle's The Literature of Lesbianism, both of which weighed in at 4 pounds. The featherweight title went to English Professor John Felstiner for the translation, into Galacian, of his book Twenty Questions I Wish I'd Asked My Father, which measures all of 11 pages.

The Longest Title Award went to Alex Woloch, an assistant professor of English, for his The One vs. the Many: Minor Characters and the Space of the Protagonist in the Novel, while Albert Gelpi, the Coe Professor of American Literature, Emeritus, claimed the J. Lo Award for Most Backmatter for The Letters of Robert Duncan & Denise Levertov, which he co-edited with Robert Bertholf.

Following is a complete list of the 88 books, eight compact discs and three digital video discs of 2003 honored March 9 at the Humanities Center:

Theodore M. Andersson, German Studies: translation, with introduction and notes, The Saga of Olaf Tryggvason (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London)

Jean-Marie Apostolidès, French, Drama: Les Métamorphoses de Tintin (Editions Exils, Paris); Héroïsme et victimisation. Une histoire de la sensibilité (Editions Exils, Paris); Tintin et le mythe du surenfant (Editions Moulinsart, Bruxelles); L'archipel Tintin (Editions Les Impressions nouvelles, Paris and Bruxelles); Buvons Buvons: et moquons nous du reste (Gallix Production); director, Long Day's Journey into Night (PP Media)

Mark Applebaum, Music: Catfish (Tzadik Records); Intellectual Property (Innova Records); Society of Composers, Inc. -- Cornucopia (Capstone Records)

Michele Birnbaum-Elam, English: Race, Work and Desire in American Literature, 1860-1930 (Cambridge University Press)

Eavan Boland, English, Creative Writing: Against Love Poetry (W. W. Norton); co-author, with Mary O'Malley and Paula Meehan, Three Irish Poets (Carcanet Press)

Kristina Branch, Art and Art History: Men at Work: Paintings by Kristina Branch (Farnsworth Museum of Art, Rockland, Maine); Kristina Branch: Men at Work Monotypes (Smith Andersen Editions, Palo Alto, California)

Scott Bukatman, Art and Art History: Matters of Gravity: Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th Century (Duke University Press)

Clayborne Carson, History, Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project: Civil Rights Chronicle: The African-American Struggle for Freedom (Legacy Publishing -- Division of Publications International Inc.)

Steve D. Carter, Asian Languages: Just Living: Poems and Prose by the Japanese Monk Tonna (Columbia University Press)

Terry Castle, English: The Literature of Lesbianism: A Historical Anthology from Ariosto to Stonewall (Columbia University Press)

Carol Delaney, Cultural and Social Anthropology: Investigating Culture: An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology (Blackwell Publishing)

Penelope Eckert, Linguistics: co-author, with Sally McConnell-Ginet, Language and Gender (Cambridge University Press)

Harry J. Elam Jr., Drama: The Past as Present in the Drama of August Wilson (University of Michigan Press); co-editor, The Fire This Time (Theatre Communications Group)

Bernard Faure, Religious Studies: Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses (Stanford University Press); The Power of Denial: Buddhism, Purity and Gender (Princeton University Press); editor, Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context (Routledge Curzon)

Solomon Feferman, Philosophy, Mathematics: co-editor, Kurt Gödel, Collected Works, Vol. IV: Correspondence A-G (Oxford University Press); co-editor, Kurt Gödel, Collected Works, Vol. V: Correspondence H-Z (Oxford University Press)

John Felstiner, English: Vinte Preguntas Que Me Arrepinto de Non lle Ter Feito a Meu Pai (Amastar-n-Gallar)

Brian Ferneyhough, Music: Brian Ferneyhough (Composers' Art)

Shelley Fisher Fishkin, English, American Studies: editor with introduction, afterword, notes, Is He Dead? A Comedy in Three Acts by Mark Twain (University of California Press)

Lazar Fleishman, Slavic Languages and Literature: V tiskakh provokatsii: Operatsiia "Trest" i russkaia zarubezhnaia pechat [In the Clutches of Provocation: The Soviet Counter-Intelligence Operation "The Trust" and Russian Émigré Press] (Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, Moscow); Boris Pasternak v dvadtsatye gody [Boris Pasternak in the 1920s] (2nd ed., Akademicheskii Prekt, St. Petersburg); co-editor, with Robert Hughes and Olga Raevsky-Hughes, Russkii Berlin 1921-1923: Po materialam arkhiva B. I. Nikolaevskogo v Guverovskom Institute [Russian Berlin 1921-1923: Documents from the B. I. Nicolaevsky Collection in the Hoover Institution] (2nd ed., YMCA Press, Paris)

Marjorie Ford, Writing and Rhetoric: Citizenship Now (Addison Wesley Longman); Dreams and Inward Journey (5th ed., Addison Wesley Longman)

Joseph Frank, Slavic Languages and Literatures: Dostoiévski: Os Anos Milagrosos 1865-1871 (Editora da Universidade de São Paulo)

George Fredrickson, History: Racism: A Short History (Princeton University Press); Breve Storia Del Razzismo (Universale Donzelli); Racism: En hitorisk översikt (Historiska Media); Racisme, une histoire (Liana Levi)

Betsy Fryberger, Cantor Center for Visual Arts: The Changing Garden: Four Centuries of European and American Art (Cantor Arts Center/University of California Press)

Albert Gelpi, English: editor with introduction, The Wild God of the World: An Anthology of Robinson Jeffers (Stanford University Press); editor with introduction, Dark God of Eros: A William Everson Reader (Heyday Books, Berkeley); co-editor, with Robert J. Bertholf, The Letters of Robert Duncan & Denise Levertov (Stanford University Press)

Gerald Gillespie, German Studies, Comparative Literature: Proust, Mann, Joyce in the Modernist Context (The Catholic University of America Press); co-editor, with Steven Sondrup and Virgil Nemoianu, Nonfictional Romantic Prose: Expanding Boundaries (John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsterdam and Philadelphia)

Peter Godfrey-Smith, Philosophy: Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (Chicago University Press)

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, French and Italian, Comparative Literature: The Powers of Philology: Dynamics of Textual Scholarship (University of Illinois); Die Macht der Philologie, Über einen verborgenen Impuls im wissenschaftlichen Umgang mit Texten (Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt); Production of Presence: What Meaning Cannot Convey (Stanford University Press); co-editor, with Michael Marrinan, Mapping Benjamin: The Work of Art in the Digital Age (Stanford University Press)

Robert P. Harrison, French and Italian: The Dominion of the Dead (University of Chicago); Les Morts (Editions Le Pommier)

Alexandra Hawley, Music: Terry Riley: Cantos Desiertos (Naxos)

Adam Johnson, Creative Writing: Parasites Like Us (Viking Press)

Katherine R. Jolluck, History: Exile and Identity: Polish Women in the Soviet Union During World War II (University of Pittsburgh Press)

Jennifer Lane, Music: with the Mark Morris Dance Group, Dido and Aeneas (Image Entertainment); Stravinsky, Vol. VII -- Oedipus Rex (Koch International Classics); Alessandro Scarlatti: Agar et Ismaele Esiliate (Centaur Records Inc.)

John L'Heureux, English: The Miracle (Grove Press)

Andrea Lunsford, English: The St. Martin's Handbook (5th ed., Bedford/St. Martin's Press, New York and Boston); co-editor, with John Ruszkiewicz, Everything's an Argument (3rd ed., Bedford/St. Martin's Press, New York and Boston); co-editor, with John Ruszkiewicz, The Presence of Others (4th ed., Bedford/St. Martin's Press, New York and Boston)

D. R. MacDonald, Creative Writing: All the Men Are Sleeping (Counterpoint Press and Anchor Canada)

J. G. Manning, Classics: Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure (Cambridge University Press)

Michael Marrinan, Art and Art History: co-editor, with Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Mapping Benjamin: The Work of Art in the Digital Age (Stanford University Press)

Michael McFaul, Political Science: co-author, with James Goldgeier, Power and Purpose: American Policy Toward Russia After the Cold War (Brookings Institution Press, Washington); co-author, with Timothy Colton, Popular Choice and Managed Democracy: The Russian Elections of 1999 and 2000 (Brookings Institution Press, Washington)

Diane Middlebrook, English: Her Husband: Hughes & Plath, A Marriage (Viking Press, New York)

Grigori Mints, Philosophy: co-editor, with Reinhard Muskens, Games, Logic and Constructive Sets (CSLI Publications)

Julius Moravcsik, Philosophy: Was Menschen Verbindet (Academia Verlag)

Norman Naimark, History: co-editor, with Holly Case, Yugoslavia and Its Historians: Understanding the Balkan Wars of the 1990s (Stanford University Press)

David S. Nivison, Philosophy: Zhang Xuecheng Di Shengping Yu Sixiang [The Life and Thought of Chang Hsüeh-Ch'eng] (Fangzhi Chubangshe, Local Gazetteers Press)

Stephen Orgel, English: Imagining Shakespeare (Palgrave); Letters of Sophia Hawthorne (S. Orgel/English 202)

Marjorie Perloff, English: The Futurist Movement: Avant-Garde, Avant-Guerre, and the Language of Rupture (University of Chicago Press)

Jack Rakove, History, Political Science: editor, The Federalist: The Essential Essays (Bedford Books)

Rush Rehm, Classics: Radical Theatre: Greek Tragedy and the Modern World (Duckworth)

Judith Richardson, English: Possessions: The History and Uses of Haunting in the Hudson Valley (Harvard University Press)

Richard Rosa, Spanish and Portuguese: Los fantasmas de la razón: Una lectura material de Hostos (Editorial Isla Negra)

Carolyn Ross, Writing and Rhetoric: co-author, with Ardel Thomas, Writing for Real: A Handbook for Writers in Community Service (Longman Publishing)

Stephen M. Sano, Music: Omoide [Remembrance] (Daniel Ho Creations)

Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Comparative Literature, French and Italian: Anno X -- La Mostra della Rivoluzione fascista del 1932 (Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, Rome -- Pisa)

Carol Loeb Shloss, English: Lucia Joyce: To Dance in the Wake (Farrar, Strauss & Giroux)

Peter Stansky, History: Sassoon: The Worlds of Philip & Sybil (Yale University Press)

Michael Strevens, Philosophy: Bigger Than Chaos (Harvard University Press)

Kenneth Taylor, Philosophy: Reference and the Rational Mind (CSLI Publications)

Ardel Thomas, Writing and Rhetoric: co-author, with Carolyn Ross, Writing for Real: A Handbook for Writers in Community Service (Longman Publishing)

David Tyack, History: Seeking Common Ground: Public Schools in a Diverse Society (Harvard University Press)

John C. Y. Wang, Asian Languages: Studies in Early Chinese Narrative (Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, Shanghai); co-editor and contributor, Studies in Chinese Literary Commentaries (Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, Shanghai)

Tom Wasow, Linguistics, Philosophy: co-author, with Ivan A. Sag and Emily M. Bender, Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction (2nd ed., CSLI Publications)

Gail Wight, Art and Art History: The Evolution of Disarticulation (The San Francisco Art Institute)

John D. Wirth, History: Los Alamos: The Ranch School Years 1917-1943 (University of New Mexico Press -- published posthumously)

Tobias Wolff, English: Old School (Knopf)

Alex Woloch, English: The One vs. the Many: Minor Characters and the Space of the Protagonist in the Novel (Princeton University Press)

Rega Wood, Philosophy: Richardi Rufi Cornubiensis in Physicam Aristotelis (Oxford University Press for the British Academy)

Susan Wyle, Writing and Rhetoric: Revisiting America: Readings in Race, Culture and Conflict (Prentice Hall)