of joint replacement studied through model
Student tackles long-term effects of artificial
Advances in total joint replacement no longer
mean that an arthritic or damaged joint will inevitably lead to
loss of mobility. Many joint replacements last decades, but a
significant number – about 10 percent – fail within 15
to 20 years, which is becoming a problem as younger patients take
advantage of the technology.
Noah Epstein, a third-year School of Medicine student working in
the lab of orthopedic surgery professors Stuart Goodman, MD, PhD,
and R. Lane Smith, PhD, has been looking at why joint replacements
fail. He has developed a mouse model that can start unraveling the
complicated process.
“One of the challenges with this kind of clinical problem is
that there is a 20-year outcome, so it’s hard to
replicate,” said Epstein, who presented his findings at the
Orthopedic Research Society’s 50th annual meeting Monday in
San Francisco.
“It’s helpful to see what’s happening, so we
wanted to create a model that replicated what is seen
clinically.” To accomplish this goal, he relied upon studies
that can be easily and cost-effectively done with a mouse over
weeks and months rather than the years it takes in humans.
When an arthritic or damaged joint is removed, it is replaced with
a prosthesis – an artificial joint typically made of a metal
piece such as various alloys that fit closely into a sturdy plastic
But these materials gradually erode through wear and tear,
releasing tiny metal and plastic particles that enter the joint
space. Some artificial joint recipients experience chronic
inflammation as a result, leading to pain and loosening of the
joint, which may require another replacement.
The inflammatory response results when the body senses a foreign
intruder. One of the ways the immune system tries to eliminate the
intruder is by calling in cells to fight. This response, while
necessary, can backfire in the case of organ transplants and joint
replacements, attacking a beneficial intruder and causing it to
function improperly.
Everyone who receives a new joint has an inflammatory response,
Epstein said, and everybody sheds tiny particles of the device into
the joint space. What remains a mystery, however, is why some
people develop loosening while others do not.
A key player in the inflammatory response is interleukin-1, or
IL-1, which is one of a number of molecules called cytokines that
acts as a signaling network for the immune system. The researchers
thought it was logical to start by looking at the role IL-1 plays
in response to an artificial joint.
To explore the role of IL-1 in joint replacement failure, Epstein
looked at implants in normal mice and in mice that lacked the
receptor for IL-1, which makes them unresponsive to the
molecule’s effects.
The team implanted tiny stainless steel wires into both thighbones
of each mouse in the study. In one leg of each mouse, they injected
titanium particles to simulate particles released as an artificial
joint erodes.
In the IL-1 deficient mice, they saw some reduction of the level of
other cytokines known to play a role in inflammation, indicating a
protective effect.
However, they also saw less bone growth around the implants in
those mice. Bone growth around the artificial joint assists in
integrating the device into its new environment which helps it
function as close to a normal joint as possible.
Epstein noted that inflammation is a complicated process. Many
other factors come into play in addition to IL-1, such that the
elimination of one cytokine wouldn't be expected to fully protect
the mice from an inflammatory onslaught.
Epstein said it will be valuable to use their model to look at
whether the recovery process following the single injection of
particles is different in the mice without IL-1.
He emphasized they were at an early stage of understanding the
process. He is now working on a mouse model that could simulate a
continuous flow of particles to more closely mimic the human
situation of constant exposure.
In the future, the researchers hope to develop methods that
modulate the joint replacement process with drugs that could alter
human immune responses at the appropriate times.