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Volunteers needed

Research volunteers are being sought for the following cardiovascular studies:

Alcohol study. Volunteers ages 35 to 65 who are overweight and/or have a family history of diabetes or heart disease are needed to study moderate alcohol consumption and its possible health benefits. Eligible participants must not have a history of diabetes, heart, kidney or liver disease or heavy drinking.

Smoking study. Cigarette smokers ages 30 to 65 are needed to study ways to decrease heart disease risk in those who smoke. Qualified participants may receive medication to reduce risk of heart disease. On completion of the study, volunteers may take a smoking cessation class and will receive compensation for study participation.

Triglycerides study. Healthy non-diabetic volunteers ages 35 to 60 with high triglycerides and/or a family history of heart disease or diabetes are needed for a four-month study of elevated triglycerides and heart disease. Those who qualify may receive medication to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Weight loss study. Moderately overweight volunteers ages 30 to 65 with type-2 diabetes are sought to study the relationship between weight loss and risk factors for heart disease. Volunteers must be in good health and not on insulin. Eligible participants for the five-month study will receive dietary counseling and weight maintenance advice.

Eligible participants in these School of Medicine studies receive a free medical exam, a cholesterol panel and a test to evaluate risk for diabetes and/or heart disease. For details, call 723-7024.