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Prizes available for alternative commuters

In an effort to cut down on the number of cars arriving at and departing from campus during peak commute hours -- and to spread the word about campus alternative transportation programs -- Parking and Transportation Services (P&TS) will hold weekly prize drawings from now until June 15, 2004, for individuals who pledge to use an alternative to driving alone to work at least twice a week.

Drawings for a $25 gift certificate will be held each week until June 15 and a drawing for two $250 gift certificates will be held in late June. To be eligible for the drawings, individuals must pledge to come to work by train, bus, carpool, vanpool, bike or on foot, or to telecommute from home -- anything other than driving alone in a vehicle to work -- at least twice a week. To participate, faculty, staff or students living off campus can pledge online at before April 16.

P&TS also is sponsoring weekly drawings for graduate students who pledge to make every effort to eliminate vehicle trips during peak commute times of 7:30 to 9 a.m. and from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on weekdays. Graduate students can pledge online at

"We look at promotions like the drawings as a way to communicate the benefits of alternative transportation," Rolls said. "We want people to know that even if they can only use alternative transportation one or two days a week, it really makes a big difference."

Along with the pledges and drawings, P&TS currently is offering additional incentives to employees to use alternative transportation, including:

  • A $50 bonus for employees who turn in A, C or Z parking permits for the remainder of the academic year, in addition to permit refunds.
  • Drawings in June for one $250, two $500 or one $1,000 prize for "Commute Club" members.

Eligibility requirements for Commute Club and additional information about alternative transportation is available on the P&TS website at or by calling Robin Rolls at 724-2396.

Parking & Transportation Services