Stanford Report Online

Cardinal Chronicle / weekly campus column

SOUTH AFRICAN NOVELIST J.M. COETZEE, the 2003 Nobel Laureate in Literature, a Booker Prize-winner and the Isaac and Madeleine Stein Visiting Writer, will appear along with more than three dozen Stanford-affiliated authors at the Author Carnival 2004 on Saturday, April 17, in the lower level of Building 200 (the History Corner). The free event, presented by the Associates of the Stanford University Libraries and Stanford Bookstore, is designed to celebrate writing at Stanford and the Library itself, said Peter Stansky, professor of history (and a participating author). The event will begin with remarks by Coetzee at 1:30 p.m. and last until approximately 6 p.m. It will include a series of author panels (featuring, among others, authors Carol Loeb Shloss, Eavan Boland and Diane Middlebrook) and a 3:15 p.m. author reception and book signing. (Books will be available for purchase.) Similar events have been held in the past, but were on a much smaller scale and were open only to members, Stansky said. A list of participating authors can be found at

THURSDAY, APRIL 15, IS THE LAST DAY for registering your children for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, which will be Thursday, April 22, from 8:30 a.m. until noon. Parents can choose from workshops ranging from "All the World's a Stage," hosted by the Department of Drama, to a "Chemistry Magic Show," where members of the Chemistry Club promise to implode a soda can. Registration forms are available at; registration is limited to the first 350 children Volunteers are still needed. For more information, or to volunteer, call the WorkLife Office at 723-2660.

THE OFFICE FOR MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT is looking for staff willing to sing, dance, play an instrument or recite the spoken word, as well as staff who'd like to exhibit art or crafts at the Multicultural Springfest. The annual event, which celebrates staff and its diversity, will be held on Thursday, May 27, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. You can sign up online to perform, be an exhibitor or to volunteer at

Write to Barbara Palmer at or mail code 2245 or call her at 724--6184.

Barbara Palmer