Stories published in 2020

News articles classified as Stories published in 2020

Stanford’s Long-Range Vision focused on accelerating university impact

Initiatives that arose out of the university’s Long-Range Vision have been making progress toward the goal of accelerating Stanford's impact in the world. That includes launching new programs to address urgent challenges and expanding our excellence in research and education.

Stanford Medicine —

Testing at the speed of COVID

Stanford launched its diagnostic when the pandemic had barely begun – but challenges kept on coming.

Rockin’ the COVID-19 masks at Stanford

As they help stem the spread of COVID-19 through safe practices, members of the Stanford community reveal their creativity, passions, family relationships and innate optimism in the face of the pandemic.

Stanford Teaching Commons offers new resources for online learning

The website Stanford Teaching Commons provides curated guides on designing online classes; articles on such topics as accessibility, asynchronous activity, and inclusion and equity; and links to resources and services that support online education across campus.

History Professor Emeritus Mark Mancall dies

Mancall shaped the lives of generations of students through his research, teaching, mentorship and transformative commitment to undergraduate life and education.

Going viral, giving back

Alyssa Farrow rocked the Twitterverse when she announced that she was the first person in her Native American tribe to graduate from Stanford. Now, the 2020 graduate plans to invest her Stanford education in her hometown.

Hoover Tower struck by lightning

A bolt of lightning struck Hoover Tower for the second time in almost 50 years, causing some visible damage to the building’s recognizable silhouette.

New way to study ocean life

Insights from an innovative rotating microscope could provide a new window into the secrets of microscopic life in the ocean and their effects on crucial planetary processes, such as carbon fixation.

Slow-light beam-steering

Researchers have fashioned ultrathin silicon nanoantennas that trap and redirect light, for applications in quantum computing, LIDAR and even the detection of viruses.

Stanford University —

Update on autumn 2020 undergraduate education

In an email to the university community, President Marc Tessier-Lavigne announces adjustments to Stanford’s plans for the undergraduate autumn quarter due to continuing public health conditions.

To solve climate change, we must deal with heat

Almost all of the world’s energy use involves heat, from making steel to refrigerating food. Deep decarbonization without breakthroughs in thermal science and engineering seems inconceivable. Three leaders in the area highlight five important topics to explore.

Left out of the vote

As the centennial of the 19th Amendment approaches, Stanford scholar Rabia Belt wants to acknowledge a history often overlooked in discourse about the franchise: people living with disabilities.

How World War I strengthened women’s suffrage

Times of crisis can be catalysts for political change, says Stanford legal scholar Pamela S. Karlan. For women activists in the early 20th century, the catalyst was World War I.