Stories published in 2020

News articles classified as Stories published in 2020

Democratizing access to resources for Stanford researchers

Stanford Vice Provost and Dean of Research Kathryn Moler wants all research resources to be as readily available as books in a library. This model would enable faculty and students to pursue the most innovative research in flexible, collaborative teams.

Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences —

Humanities Core has new integrated global focus

In order to better address intellectual cross-currents throughout history, new courses will examine similarities and differences across cultures.

Stanford Graduate School of Business —

The graceful exit

How to shutter a business when the pandemic forces closure.

Resuming research during COVID-19

A perspective article co-authored by senior research officers from six leading research universities, including Stanford, argues for a gradual, stepwise approach to reopening of academic research that is informed by public health expertise.

Finding food security underwater

Our growing need for food poses one of the biggest threats to the environment. Stanford ocean and food security experts explain how the ocean could produce dramatically more food while driving sustainable economic growth.

A new optical system shows how decisions light up the brain

A technique called COSMOS will help researchers understand how our brains work and aid in the development of new drugs. The inventors have created an instructional website to help other researchers build their own relatively-inexpensive COSMOS systems.

Stanford president and provost address national tragedy, pandemic, recovery

In a livestream conversation with the Stanford community, President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Provost Persis Drell addressed the university’s commitment to equity and inclusion. They also expressed praise and gratitude to the campus community for their resilience in dealing with the difficult times.

Where mathematics and biology meet

Theoretical population biology – a field focused on mathematical modeling of biological phenomena – informs research in demography, ecology, evolution, epidemiology and genetics. One of the premier journals in the field, started at Stanford, celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Loss of land-based vertebrates is accelerating

Analysis of thousands of vertebrate species reveals that extinction rates are likely much faster than previously thought. The researchers call for immediate global action, such as a ban on the wildlife trade, to slow the sixth mass extinction.

Desalination solution

Desalination – the conversion of saltwater to freshwater – has been limited by high operational costs. A new device capable of turning desalination waste into commercially valuable chemicals could make the process cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

Roger Blandford wins Shaw Prize

Blandford’s major contributions range from energetic jets ripping forth from colossal black holes to cosmic “magnifying” glasses to gravitational waves.

Faculty Senate rejects ASSU fossil fuel divestment resolution

The Faculty Senate heard presentations on fossil fuel divestment from several speakers: Anthony Duarte, undergraduate senator; Paul Brest, professor emeritus of law; Gene Sykes, chair of the Special Committee on Investment Responsibility of Stanford’s Board of Trustees; and Mikael Wolfe, assistant professor of history.

Stanford’s virtual celebration of 2020 graduates scheduled for June 14

The university’s virtual celebration of graduates is scheduled for the same day as Stanford’s postponed Commencement. But it won’t be a substitute for that venerable tradition. Stanford will hold an in-person graduation when state and county COVID-19 restrictions make gathering on campus again possible.

Stanford Science Fellows program announces first cohort

The program is a fundamentally new type of postdoctoral training focused on attracting diverse and exceptional scholars from around the world to cultivate new directions in foundational scientific research.

Stanford junior named Udall Scholar

Stanford junior Caroline Pecos-Duarte, ’21, is the recipient of the Udall Scholarship, which will support her pursuit of a career as a physician serving Native American communities.