Stories published in 2017

News articles classified as Stories published in 2017

Winds of change for vertical axis turbines?

New research suggests vertical axis turbines, which may have fewer impacts on birds and the environment, could increase public support for new wind energy installations.

Algorithm outperforms radiologists at diagnosing pneumonia

Stanford researchers have developed a deep learning algorithm that evaluates chest X-rays for signs of disease. In just over a month of development, their algorithm outperformed expert radiologists at diagnosing pneumonia.

Center for International Security and Cooperation —

Why nuclear deterrence can work on North Korea

The same logic that kept a nuclear war from breaking out between the United States and former Soviet Union is the best strategy to now pursue with North Korea, several scholars agree.

Cardinal at Work —

Stanford pilots satellite worksite in San Jose

Stanford is piloting the concept of a satellite worksite to alleviate the amount of time spent on congested roadways. The university’s first test of a satellite worksite is through a short-term lease with WeWork, a coworking and office space in downtown San Jose.

Stanford in the rain

With the rainy season upon us, Stanford Report dug into the photo archives to remind members of the campus community to don their boots and raincoats and carry their umbrellas. Here comes winter.

Hopeful signs despite growing carbon emissions

An international research team reports that the increase in global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels has resumed after a 3-year respite and may increase again next year. Despite the findings, improved energy efficiency and a booming renewables market provide signs of hope.

Double-duty textile could warm or cool

A team led by Yi Cui has created clothing fabric that keeps in warmth on cool days and releases heat on warm ones. The new textile could save energy costs from cooling or heating buildings.

10 notable books published by Stanford University Press

Stanford University Press has published a diverse and influential portfolio of scholarly work over the past 125 years, including works on U.S. economics, marine biology and the ancient Mayan civilization.

Stanford leads new LIGO mirror group

Stanford researchers are leading a national effort to improve the next generation of gravitational wave detectors by creating new and better coatings for LIGO’s mirrors.

Ocean monuments face possible loss of protection

Federal regulators have indicated they may open some marine national monuments to commercial fishing. Researchers who have studied these and adjacent areas discuss their value and the potential impacts of a change in protected status.

Leader of the Band

Russell Gavin, the new director of Stanford’s famously irreverent student scatter band, reflects on what makes the group special, how they are doing in the wake of a suspension that resulted in organizational changes and what the future holds.

Textbooks influence view of Afghan females

The characterizations of Afghan females in school textbooks were heavily influenced by the country’s political regimes, according to a Stanford study. The researchers say it’s evidence of how a nation can use textbooks to influence children’s view on women’s place in society.