Stanford provost announces Bass University Fellows in Undergraduate Education
The program recognizes faculty for extraordinary contributions to undergraduate education.
Provost John Etchemendy announced at Thursday’s Faculty Senate meeting that nine faculty members had been appointed or reappointed Bass University Fellows.
Established in 2001, the Bass University Fellows in Undergraduate Education Program recognizes faculty, including faculty from the graduate and professional schools, for extraordinary contributions to undergraduate education.
Each of the Bass Fellow appointments is named in honor of donors who made significant gifts to the Stanford Endowment for Undergraduate Education during The Campaign for Undergraduate Education, which ended in 2005.
The program was named in honor of Anne T., MLA ’07, and Robert M. Bass, MBA ’74, who provided matching funds to launch it. Once a faculty member rotates out of an individual fellow appointment, he or she becomes a Bass University Fellow in Undergraduate Education in perpetuity.
The new and reappointed Bass University Fellows will be publicly recognized on Nov. 5 in Stanford Stadium during the football game between Stanford and Oregon State University. This is the third consecutive year that Stanford Athletics has publicly honored the fellows.
The new and reappointed Bass Fellows
Kevin Arrigo, a professor of environmental Earth system science, was reappointed the Gerhard Casper University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.
Donna M. Bouley, a professor of comparative medicine, has been reappointed the Kleinheinz Family University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.
James T. Campbell, a professor of history, has been reappointed the Barbara and Buzz McCoy University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.
Martha Cyert, a professor of biology, was reappointed the Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.
Justin Du Bois, an associate professor of chemistry, was reappointed the John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.
Paul Graham Fisher, a professor of pediatrics and of neurology and neurological sciences, was appointed the Dunlevie Family University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.
Sarah Heilshorn, an associate professor of materials science and engineering, was appointed the William R. and Gretchen B. Kimball University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.
Allison Okamura, a professor of mechanical engineering, was appointed the Duca Family University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.
Mehran Sahami, a professor (teaching) of computer science, was reappointed the Robert and Ruth Halperin University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.