Stanford University statement on efforts to foster responsibility around alcohol use
Stanford has devoted significant attention to fostering a culture of responsibility and accountability around alcohol use. It is an ongoing effort, as it is on many university campuses.
The university has a dedicated office, the Office of Alcohol Policy and Education, responsible for providing education and ongoing programming on alcohol use. We provide education starting before students arrive on campus, continuing at New Student Orientation and reinforced in residence-based and group-based programming. Parties must be registered with the university, and the management of alcohol at these events is governed by party planning guidelines issued by the university. Stanford also has worked to develop and promote popular alcohol-free social opportunities for students, known as Cardinal Nights.
Students are integrally involved in these efforts, working to promote good decision making and personal responsibility among their peers. Many of our programs employ students as peer educators.
California law prohibits consumption of alcohol for those under the age of 21, and police issue citations when they encounter violations. In addition, the university investigates reports of high-risk behaviors associated with alcohol use and issues sanctions where appropriate. Additional detail on Stanford’s policies, party planning guidelines and educational efforts aimed at risk reduction are available on the web at
Stanford’s president and provost initiated a new conversation with the campus community on the subject of alcohol this spring. The letter they sent in March to all undergraduates is available at We are continuing to consider additional approaches for further reducing the prevalence of alcohol misuse in our student community.