Faculty Senate to convene on Thursday

At Thursday's meeting, the Faculty Senate will hear presentations on the School of Engineering; academic computing and information systems; and IT privacy.

At the Nov. 5 meeting of the Faculty Senate, Persis S. Drell, dean of the School of Engineering, will present a state-of-the-school report.

Drell is professor of physics, of materials science and engineering, and of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. She served as the director of SLAC from 2007 to 2012 and became dean of the Engineering School in September 2014.

The senate also will hear a presentation by Vijay Pande, professor of chemistry, and Michael Cherry, professor (research) of genetics, on the Committee on Academic Computing and Information Systems.

In addition, Andrew Fire, professor of pathology and of genetics, will present an update on the Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on IT Privacy. In May 2014, Fire presented an interim report on the committee’s work.

The senate meeting will begin at 3:15 p.m. in Room 180 of the Law School.

Discussion is limited to members of the senate, but members of the Stanford community may request to attend the meeting by contacting the Academic Secretary’s Office at 724-7863 or by sending an email to Adrienne Emory, assistant academic secretary.