Article quotes Sergiu Pasca, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, whose team found a way to restore brain cells impaired by Timothy syndrome.
Article quotes University Librarian Michael Keller about the gift to Stanford University Libraries of the Tompkins Conservation archives, documenting work on the creation of national parks in Argentina and Chile that will inform future research on environmental policy, conservation, philanthropy, and environmental activism.
Article quotes Julian Nyarko, professor of law, on a study that found significant disparities in how chatbots treat names associated with race and gender.
Article quotes Lisa Goldman Rosas, assistant professor of epidemiology and population health and of medicine, on the impact of programs that provide a “prescription” for free produce.
Article quotes Neale Mahoney, professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR, on what it takes for consumer sentiment to match the state of the economy.
Article quotes Michelle Mello, professor of law and of health policy, on how legal rules will need to evolve as AI is more and more used in medical situations.
Interview with Jennifer Pan, professor of communication and senior fellow at FSI, on a study that looked at whether social media posts changed behavior.
Article quotes Ram Rajagopal, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering and of electrical engineering, arguing that “performance-based incentives reduce the upfront costs of solar panels for homeowners.”
Article quotes Fei-Fei Li, professor of computer science and co-director of Stanford HAI, in a review of her new book, The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI.
Article quotes Sean Reardon, professor of poverty and inequality in education and senior fellow at SIEPR, on how educational differences start long before a student takes the SAT.
Article quotes Marshall Burke, associate professor at the Doerr School of Sustainability and senior fellow at FSI, SIEPR, and the Woods Institute for the Environment, on how progress in air quality has begun to reverse.
Article quotes Manu Prakash, associate professor of bioengineering and senior fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment, on what led him to build an affordable multipurpose microscope.
Article quotes Chris Field, professor of Earth system science and of biology, and director of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, on how many different ways there are for wildfires to become catastrophic.
Article quotes Thomas Dee, professor of education, on a new analysis showing that 1 in 4 students across the country were chronically absent from school in the wake of pandemic closures.
Article quotes Stephen Palumbi, the Jane and Marshall Steel Jr. Professor in Marine Sciences and a professor of biology, on the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary.